Welsh Harlequin

I've got khaki Campbells, Anconas, Rouens, and Cayugas with my WH. There's 16 of the little buggers all together :)
I just got 36 welsh harlequin ducklings and they are so cute. I was able to sex all of them by beak color first and yes everyone of them that had dark brown bills were boys. i ended up with 18 girls and 16 boys...
Anyone here ever let their Welsh Harlequin ducks brood & hatch their own eggs? If so what is the best time of year for this to be sure of a successful hatch based on temps...etc?
All of our ducks are now laying at least one egg a day, and we were hoping to let them hatch on their own. Our outdoor temps here now are just starting to get into the low 40's during the day, but at night down to the low 20's
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So far, mine have not shown any interesting in becoming broody. If you have dome interested,
I'd say let them try. But, if you really want/need a good hatch, I'd put some in an incubator.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.
Does anyone have any ducklings right now available? I wouldn't mind having the silver and/or gold Welch Harlequin. Please PM me if you have any available that you can ship or fairly close to Georgia.
Hey All,

I'm going to try this one more time.
Is anyone else on the East coast experiencing laying cycle changes since daylight savings time kicked in.
I have 5 duck hens and was getting 4 to 5 eggs a day before the change. Now my girls are only giving 2 a day.

Just curious if anyone else is experiencing similar issues.
My poor blue runner looks a bit bloated and hasn't dropped an egg for 2 days. She doesn't let one loose tomorrow,
I'm going do a warm bath for her, afraid she might be getting backed up. Same with one of my WH hens.

Thanks for any input.

Does anyone have any ducklings right now available? I wouldn't mind having the silver and/or gold Welch Harlequin. Please PM me if you have any available that you can ship or fairly close to Georgia.

I have hatching eggs right now. I am not NPIP cert though.
Oh boy!I have 7 WH eggs in the bator, due on Sat. But the little buggers are pipping! The only thing I can think of is that a few days last week the little styrobator was running at about 101 and one day 102. Have them in my big new to me redwood now. I was filling up the water pans and getting ready to separate the chicken eggs into containers when they started cheeping at me and I realized they were pipping! Fingers crossed! Come on Duckies!
Good Luck Maryhysong.

Let us know how it goes....pics would be nice also

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