Welsh Harlequin

Thanks Guys!!! Now I just need to find someone selling them near me. I live in the Guntersville/Arab area in Alabama
My WH's will be one year old the first week of June. They were just old enough to lay the week of Thanksgiving, but I guess the days were already too short so I didn't get my first egg till sometime in February. Then, I started getting two eggs every day, but I have four girls so two of them were not with the program. Then, some days three, but never four. I went out of town for about a week at the end of March, and do you know that my first day away my daughter went out there and found four eggs! Those birds waited till I was gone!! By the time I got back one of them had gone broody on me, even though I pick up the eggs every day. She was still sitting there in an empty nest. After a few days, one of the other girls joined her, and they would sit crammed together in the one nest. By today the first one to go broody was still trying, and none too happy when I took the egg out from under her!

But, those eggs taste so good and I just love my Harlequins. I will be getting some TSQ Harlequin ducklings from Holderread's around May 1, and also some TSQ Saxonies to raise for meat ducks. Gotta get busy building a new, bigger brooder!
Hi! I'm wondering about the color of my WH ducklings. I think I have 2 silver phases and a gold phase. Can anyone tell me?

The center one in the top pic is the one that I think is a gold phase.

GloryGirl, you won't know whether you have golds or silvers until after they have molted the first time and have gotten their nuptial plumage. Then, you can easily tell. The drakes have a sort of olive drab head instead of the vibrant bottle green of the silvers. On the ducks, you can most easily tell by looking at their wings. The coloring on the silvers is a beautiful purply-blue, while that on the golds is again sort of olive drab. I had a beautiful gold drake that wound up going to freezer camp because I could only keep one drake and wanted a silver. One of my four ducks is a gold, too. They are both lovely but I really like the silvers the best. It's just a matter of taste, I guess.
Hey LightningTFarm, what's your opinion on the sex and type (gold/silver) of Welsh Harlequin I have? I'm having trouble telling anything about it beyond the breed of duck. Thanks!

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