Welsh Harlequin

When I ordered from Holderreads I mixed the dozen and asked for 6 of each and got 3 gold drakes, 3 gold hens, 3 silver drakes and 3 silver hens. I actually like the softness of the brown color in the golds.
They can get off the ground about 2 to 3' and fly about 10'.   They are really to bottom heavy for flying.  They start laying eggs about 6 to 7 mos.  The females should have almost black beaks around 7 mos and the legs should have started to slowly change by 7 mos.  Sometimes it takes up to a year to get really good darker legs.

Speaking of bill and leg color, how can you tell which of your WH ducks are laying or not? Is there a visible change I their bill or leg coloration like with other breeds?
Put just a little food coloring in her vent. Not invasive, just a dab on her bum. Different color each duck.

Hey! Long time, no see!
You get to know the shape of each hen's eggs. I know who lays by shape now. But unless the hen's bill isn't black to the tip, she probably isn't laying.
They kind of grey out from half way to the tip of bill during off season. Even my girl with a mottled bill has a black tip when she is laying.

Don't know if that helps.


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