Welsh Harlequin

I've yet to add ducks to my homestead, but the more I read, the more I'm sold. Thanks to everyone for the honest comments about the WH and what they offer. Thank you, too, for sharing the hatcheries that treated you well (or not so well, as the case may be), as it's a challenge to find breeders local to me.
I am new to ducks and just got them when I found out I am allergic to chicken eggs. I bought 3 Girls in September and absolutely love them. Since I got them and did a little reading about Welch Harlequins I found out that there is silver and gold phase, how do I tell what phase my girls are?
Lost my male this morning :( and had to bring in one of my females. She's not looking too hot today. This winter has been hard on them. Hopefully I can save her.
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