Welsh Harlequin

I traveled a total of 150 miles looking for it. The local GNC didn't stock it because it "was not purchased enough" the local department/farm/pet stores had nothing, or if they did have brewers yeast it was mixed with a bunch of other junk. My local Whole Foods store was closed when I got there, and by local I mean 100 mile round trip.

This just tempts me further to research and make my own duck feed in a few years. My goal is to raise these ducklings and show the other farm owners that it is a good choice and eventually get more from Holderreads/Metzer and start providing our community with duck eggs (nobody else does) and hatching eggs/ducklings.

I may be married and an adult but a family run farm means I still have higher ups to answer to
Buy some nutritional yeast from your grocery store and sprinkle it on their food :)

Unfortunately the only type of yeast sold locally is for bread baking. My neighbors use nutritional yeast on their popcorn (and boy is it good) and they order it online or drive a long way to get it. I will try and get up to my local Whole Foods store to pick some up but it is going to be a few weeks before I make that long of a trip again. At least I will have the niacin I ordered until I can get some. Then the ducklings and I will both be using it.

I swear they DOUBLED in size overnight. They aren't even a week old and they are the same size as my 3 week old BO pullets.
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what are WH's temperament like? are they friendly? are they good layers like most things i've read have said? i have 3 female WH(along with 2 KC, and a runner) that will ship out from Metzer's on the 24th. and was just wondering what their temperament and egg laying is like.
what are WH's temperament like? are they friendly? are they good layers like most things i've read have said? i have 3 female WH(along with 2 KC, and a runner) that will ship out from Metzer's on the 24th. and was just wondering what their temperament and egg laying is like.

I can't speak to the egg laying part, as mine are just a couple weeks old. But I can tell you that the ducklings over the first three weeks are pretty quiet, very curious, and have much more personality than I anticipated. They aren't "affection," and they don't follow me around like their mother. But when they are out of the brooder, they're social, and stick fairly close to me. They also flock together, making it easy to wrangle them where I want them to go. So far, they're exactly as expected.

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