Welsh Harlequin

Hatched out some pre-reserved babies this weekend! Sooo cute I can't get enough of these guys

These photos are amazing!!!!!! Of course it helps to have such adorable subjects!
Those little faces are almost too much to handle.
I have a question for some long time duck folk.
I got three WH hens from Metzer's last year. One died the first summer (kept laying soft shell eggs and one day found her with your uterus expelled, had to put her down.
The other two seemed to do very well, great layers their first year. Now one of them is laying nothing but soft shells (10 in a row now)
They are on an organic layers mash, they also get Buckwheat groat sprouts for the extra niacin and currently are getting organic baby bok choy and chickery for their greens
until I can graze them again.

Any one ever have this happen with Metzer hens? And does anyone have any suggestions before I start a 7 day treatment of .02 ml of liquid calcium to try to jump start her?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. My other girls I have gotten from Moose Manner and she gets almost all her stock from Holderread. My WH from her is right as rain and
lays just about every day like clockwork. My Runner the same, except for her winter break, I don't use artificial lighting in the winter.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I add some 23% calcium gluconate to water that I use to moisten their feed, and I give Romy - my soft shell girl - some extra special every couple of days (a quarter teaspoon of the Ca gluconate in a tablespoon of mashed peas).

Mine are also on an organic layer feed. Hmmm.
question...i have a powder thats a vitamin/mineral and electrolyte mix and it contains 66,000mg of niacin..would this be good for a niacin supplement? if it would how much would i need to add to the water to get the 100-150mg per gallon of water thats recommended? stuff comes in a 4oz packet
The package likely has information on how much niacin is in a serving, and how big a serving is.

Is it a power drink? I would be concerned depending on what else is in there, like flavorings or sugars. Yes, I am a worrywart. Plain niacin is not that expensive, a few bucks, if I recall correctly.
its made for poultry...i'll check and see if it says

and i have to order plain niacin no where near me carries it
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