Welsh Harlequin

Meyers, Metzer's, and Murray McMurray have minimums of 2 or 3.   post pics when they arrive if you can we all love little duckling pictures

Some duckling my ducks hatched out last week. 1 duck and 3 drakes. Smuggling before nap time.

I am getting a new WH duckling in late April to show in 4-H. But in June I have to leave for a week then later again for five days, and in July I have to leave for a week to take care of my Aunt and her two little boys after she gives birth. My question is will the duck be ok?? My mom will take care of it for those days I'm gone. I want my duck to imprint on me and be really friendly and not scared of me. Will my leaving for this long make it forget me?? By the time I leave, the duck will be about two months old. I really want it to be tame around me and not forget me. Any help will be appreciated!

my ducklings from Metzer's didn't arrive yesterday(wednesday) like they were suppose to so i reall hop that today(thursday) my postmaster call me at 8am telling my my peeping box is here.

Metzer's has told me via email that last year they only had 4% of orders delayed by usps but this year so far 50% of orders have been delayed by usps...i really hope my duckies are ok
my ducklings from Metzer's didn't arrive yesterday(wednesday) like they were suppose to so i reall hop that today(thursday) my postmaster call me at 8am telling my my peeping box is here.

Metzer's has told me via email that last year they only had 4% of orders delayed by usps but this year so far 50% of orders have been delayed by usps...i really hope my duckies are ok
I ordered from Metzer a lot and I haven't had a delayed order yet. I hope they are okay! I hope that my goslings and ducklings that are coming from Metzer on April 2nd will be okay as well! Have you tried calling the post office and asking them if they have come? I have to call my PO because they are irresponsible.
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I ordered from Metzer a lot and I haven't had a delayed order yet. I hope they are okay! I hope that my goslings and ducklings that are coming from Metzer on April 2nd will be okay as well! Have you tried calling the post office and asking them if they have come? I have to call my PO because they are irresponsible.
i called my local PO and the postmaster said no box of ducklings had arrived. really hope they arrive okay later this morning

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