Welsh Harlequin

We are building our WH a new duck coop. My question is do ducks need to have nesting boxes? This is my first year with ducks and I know that are different for chickens but not sure about the. Nesting boxs.

My duck house has a couple of nesting boxes but nobody lays eggs in them.
They will get used once breeding season starts tho.
Smonkeysk thank you for responding to my question. I think we are going to builded 2 nesting boxes in our coop. I'm going to put faking eggs in it, then wait and see what happens.
I bought my first WH babies through Metzer in October 2013. I rehomed a bunch and then was asked to take them back (of course I will). I've rehomed a few more, and now, I have 1 male/ 1 female. They laid eggs, went broody and are the proud parents of 2 girls, though one I had to hatch on her own because she wound up being 1 week later than the others. I rehomed the males. (one week later meant I could hear her chirping in the egg but my duck mama kept kicking her out of the nest. I hatched her in the trunk of my car in the heat of August. At night I slept with an egg. It was obvious when I put her in with the mama and babies, they knew each other, but the mama kept pushing her out. (outcast baby) So, she and a craigslist crested duck became baby buddies. They would be with the ducks during the day, then at night, I would bring them into a dog crate in the garage. Now, October 2014, they run together. I have 2 geese, so today, I'm allowing them time together, but sometimes it seems like the geese want to beat the tar out of them. (most of the time, they are separated)

I believe the mama WH knows and believes in my not hurting them, because I used to sit near her safe shelter where she had her nest. I would sit and talk with her while on the nest. They are beautiful as adults. The females have gorgeous dark dark brown eyes.

I've already ordered 10 from Holderread for next spring and 3 saxonies out of curiousity.

Can't wait!
I forgot to brag a little....the local gas station had a new stove/oven. It arrived in a giant crate. Guess who got the crate and has IT as the duck house? Yep! Me. So, the pumpkin box used as the nesting box last year is in the crate. The babies go in there, and the mama/daddy go on the other side and I close the south side. Seriously. I love ducks like crazy. They make me happy. (that's what life is, right? to be happy.)
The 'new' Welshies . . . 7 weeks old!! (haven't named them as yet, still watching their personalities develop - currently referring to them collectively as the "Little's")

Looking out of their barn while I clean up . . .

Playing in their custom duckie pool, with their older brother Squirt (Pekin) and sister Khaki (Khaki Campbell). . .

And out in the yard for some foraging . . .

Just sharing!!


The 'new' Welshies . . . 7 weeks old!! (haven't named them as yet, still watching their personalities develop - currently referring to them collectively as the "Little's")
They are just too sweet!
I miss mine so much...blasted mink came and wiped out all of my WHs and most all of my chickens a couple of months ago.
They are just too sweet!
I miss mine so much...blasted mink came and wiped out all of my WHs and most all of my chickens a couple of months ago.

Sorry to hear you lost yours :(

I've been very diligent at building as near a predator proof enclosure for my ducks as I could - 4x4 framing, 1/2" x 1/2" coated, welded wire screwed over all openings, and no gaps in their barn or day pen any larger than 1/2" - on top of that, they only get forage time in the yard while I am physically out with them (we are out daily though), and they are locked inside every night . . . .hopefully it'll do the job.

Thanks for the kind comment though - I hope you have the opportunity to get more some time :)



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