Welsh Harlequin

So my girl Willow is 25 weeks old now and there's still no eggs... I know that its the winter time and the birds don't lay as much or some of them completely stop. But should I be worried at all that she hasn't laid?? Or is she just taking her time, or wont lay at all until spring?? Thanks :)
So my girl Willow is 25 weeks old now and there's still no eggs... I know that its the winter time and the birds don't lay as much or some of them completely stop. But should I be worried at all that she hasn't laid?? Or is she just taking her time, or wont lay at all until spring?? Thanks :)
I have read 6 months. I know our adults are laying but we give them some extra light else they won't. My young ones aren't laying yet either but they are much younger.

I found this online-

My WH started laying at around 25 weeks. I have about ten that started laying in mid Oct and are still laying daily. I don't add light.

so based on that maybe it will be soon.
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they wont stop laying until daylight savings when you set your clock back becuase this is when the day gets shorter they acutly stop becuase they need more light the amount of light they get is how there body says to lay or not
She laid her first egg the day after I posted this! XD and she has laid every day since!! Her eggs aren't very big yet but so far seem good and healthy. No soft shells. Thanks for the help!! All of our 18 chickens completely stopped though. And our friend has 78 chickens and ALL of hers completely stopped too, she told us two more of her friends are having the same problem. Is anyone else experiencing this?? This has never happed to her or us before.
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[COLOR=333333]MERRY CHRISTMAS!! hope you all had a good one! how'd your christmas go[/COLOR]

Thanks! It was so warm that we got the ducks' wading pool out and enjoyed the hilarity. Here's two female Welshies buzzing a Swedish!


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