Welsh Harlequin

The newsest member of the flock Percy
Well give it a non breakable mirror so it will know it's a duck. They tend to not know if they don't see another duck.

that is a good piece of advice maybe that's what happened to one of my ducks i had long time ago named (aflac) except he came with a flock but when the dog outside was in heat and the other dog was outside waiting at the fence and Aflac and the dog would just chase each other around and he ruled the roost if you know what i mean
that is a good piece of advice maybe that's what happened to one of my ducks i had long time ago named (aflac) except he came with a flock but when the dog outside was in heat and the other dog was outside waiting at the fence and Aflac and the dog would just chase each other around and he ruled the roost if you know what i mean
Are you saying Aflac preferred dogs to ducks?
hold on i read that wrong no he would still like the ducks but when the dog was out there waiting and never getting the chance mick the dog would chase him and Aflac would chase mick and whatever other animal that was out there when she was in heat it was quite funny because it never got violent between the two he was the smartest duck we have ever had
hold on i read that wrong no he would still like the ducks but when the dog was out there waiting and never getting the chance mick the dog would chase him and Aflac would chase mick and whatever other animal that was out there when she was in heat it was quite funny because it never got violent between the two he was the smartest duck we have ever had
What happened to him?
What happened to him?

he died of old age really because he had went through several flocks because something always got them at night but after a while he got old I guess and couldn't get away from predetors like he used to but now I got new ducks its been a while since I had some and there in a pen although I do love when the ducks were lose
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