Welsh Harlequin

Ok! What is your favorite fase "color" of Welsh Harlequin s and why?

Silver is my favorite. Plus it's the only color accepted by the APA so if you want to breed to the standard and be able to show, you need to have silvers :) Mine are all silver.

I have eggs hatching right now! Go duckies go :jumpy
Here are my gold ducks and silver drake.
I don't understand why gold shouldn't be accepted since they come in that color. I don't get the arbitrary show rules, so good thing I just have ducks for their eggs, beauty, and silliness :D
Would u say they r runners

No, from what you say their mother was a welsh harlequin and their father was a mallard. This would make them WH/Mallard crosses. They wouldn't be called any breed at all because they aren't purebred. They could be called crosses, mixed breed, or mutts. It's just like you wouldn't call a dog that was a cross between a Great Dane and a Husky a Great Dane or a Husky, because it's neither. Nor would you call it a Whippet, a totally unrelated breed, which is what it would be like calling your ducks runners.

I hope this makes sense to you :)
Ok question. Is it hard to tell Welsh Harlequin birds apart especially if they are of the same fase? (Color)
Are they all exactly alike or do they have sudal differences?
Nope. I can tell mine apart with ease! There's plenty of differences among WHs, for example, my two have different amounts of white and brown; Puddles has a tan/white feathers on the front, but Quackers is mostly white there. There's other differences, too, that's just an example. It's probably harder to tell ducks with solid colors apart, like KCs, since there's no patterns, really.

I have a question: My 5 week old WHs have grayish yellow bills, so what does that mean? I've heard that it may mean they're boys, but one was sexed as a girl, and they both had the black stripe/spot on their bills when they were younger. They are from Metzer, which doesn't breed for show, so does that mean I may just have girls with yellow bills? If so, is that a "defect"? Thanks
Nope. I can tell mine apart with ease! There's plenty of differences among WHs, for example, my two have different amounts of white and brown; Puddles has a tan/white feathers on the front, but Quackers is mostly white there. There's other differences, too, that's just an example. It's probably harder to tell ducks with solid colors apart, like KCs, since there's no patterns, really.

I have a question: My 5 week old WHs have grayish yellow bills, so what does that mean? I've heard that it may mean they're boys, but one was sexed as a girl, and they both had the black stripe/spot on their bills when they were younger. They are from Metzer, which doesn't breed for show, so does that mean I may just have girls with yellow bills? If so, is that a "defect"? Thanks :D

The ability to tell the gender apart by bill color is lost a few days after hatch and all their bills turn that color :) Then, as they age, they actually reverse, and the females' bills turn dark green/black and the males' turn a light yellow/green color.
The ability to tell the gender apart by bill color is lost a few days after hatch and all their bills turn that color
Then, as they age, they actually reverse, and the females' bills turn dark green/black and the males' turn a light yellow/green color.
Oh, OK, thanks. I was getting a little worried that they were boys!

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