Welsh Harlequin

My late spring hatched girls are laying now, too. Love those eggs!
What about getting a half dozen or so eggs shipped to you? Granted, the shipping process can cause a lower the hatch rate, but even if you only get a couple out of the hatch, that will get you started...
... if you are just wanting one or two of various types of birds, it's a good idea to have a little Silkie bantam hen around as they make great moms (and great PETS!) and will hatch out anything - chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese - you name it, and they are almost always broody. ...

I second this idea but instead of getting a Silkie, maybe Big Dreamer could use one of his Muscovies. They are great broodies and could hatch out some Welsh Harlequin eggs as soon as they get old enough.
Yeah, i think the muscovy thing would be good if they were old enough layed and even brooded before, and its the exspensive shipping that my parents wont let me get any, ill try and go with the egg thing for a little!!
I've got a roughly 7 mo old hen who has been laying 2 medium eggs a day for 2 weeks now. She started laying one a day, and apparently didn't find that to be satisfying enough. Her sister lays one large egg a day. Anyone have this experience?
Hello all
Ok these are amazing beautiful ducks - thought i was hooked on Cayuga's but these = wow - how do they fare with chickens or do they need their own space? And total dumb question - embarrassing potentially - but people use duck eggs as if they would chicken eggs?
Would love to see more pics of these beauties!
OMG!!Ozark, You know you said about trying the eggs, I asked my dad and explained to him they are cheaper and he said that, that is a better possibility instead of ducklings, because he think it would be more fun!! Thanks so much for the idea!! ~Nic~
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Ok, well i have 6 muscovy, 1 pekin and thats all, my dad said that we should get some bantam chickens and now i asked for quail and he said yes, we live in a normal neighborhood, im gonna have to cram everything in!and i gonna get rid of some of my muscovy and get WH and then i wanna get some runners, its turning into a zoo here, and i was also considering a mini goat, but thats a diffinit no no!!

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