Welsh Harlequin

"Country Poultry" is such a common name, we're going to need a link to even know what you're talking about. LOL Google did nothing for me.

You want your ducks to be at least in pairs, preferably in trios with a ratio of two ducks per drake. Drakes don't fight quite like roosters, but too many drakes can form gangs, rape the ducks and drown them if they're in water. Very unpleasant business. Both males and females seem to get along just fine in single-sex groups. Which is to say, they tend to breed each other if there aren't any members of the opposite sex around. : P

I've bought WH from Metzer. I ordered 7, got 8, one died. There was one "girl" who turned out to be a boy, but otherwise I got what I paid for. WH from Metzer aren't going to be show quality by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm sure their eggs taste the same. lol

Bottom line: if you want them to look right, go with Holderreads and get ready to sell some drakes. If you don't care what they look like, Metzer has been around since I was a kid for a reason. Nice folks to deal with. I don't know anything about the others.
Oh, you meant Estes! They supply the feed stores with chicks around here. I don't know about the ducks, but their chickens are pretty standard hatchery fare.
I actually have four from Metzer Farm. I had originally ordered three (two hens & one drake) but the first three that I ordered died. They shipped them out Presidents day, and there was delay in shipping. The ducklings couldn't handle the delay
. I will never order over a holiday again. Metzers sent replacements the following week but only sent two ducklings, both hens. I wanted one drake. So, the following week they sent a drake with a hen. I now have two that are two weeks old, and two that are a week old. I tried putting them together but that was a disaster. The older ones are way too big for the younger ones, and very mean towards them! I will have to wait until they are all the same size. All of them are happy and healthy. We can't wait to see how they feather out. I will post some pictures later today.

As far as Metzers, they were great! I liked the fact I could get the ducks sexed. My only complaint with them is on their website they say they don't hatch or ship on holidays, right!

I have placed an order with Holderreads for some show quality Saxony and Cayuga ducks. I hope I don't get all drakes
. They will be here next month.
Sorry for the confusion..at the top oftheir page it says Country Poultry...so I thought that was their name..

Purely poultry also looks like they have them....but I guess it is looking like the only place to really get quality WH is from holderreads...
I really don't want a bunch of boys I will have to find homes for.

I butchered my first 2 Welsh Harlequins last week. Extra drakes. There isn't a ton of meat on them since they are on the smaller size, but the meat was delicious. My "home for excess drakes" is now my stomach
I butchered my first 2 Welsh Harlequins last week. Extra drakes. There isn't a ton of meat on them since they are on the smaller size, but the meat was delicious. My "home for excess drakes" is now my stomach

Then is my plan, as we have decided to raise ducks, and I don't want to become the duck hoarder
. I just don't know if I will be able to do it
. We will have to see what happens. I might be contacting you for advise
Wifezilla: I agree, WH drakes are delicious! Very sweet, flavorful meat. I actually like them better than Muscovy.

azhenhouse: I had a lot of trouble slaughtering ducks at first, having kept them as pets throughout my childhood. The end product made it worth it, though! Push comes to shove, you could always take them to visit the butcher. ;D
I know that I am too big goober to butcher or eat it for that matter...I just couldn't after they are named andraised....I am not against it..I just couldnt do it...

And if every one winds up with holderreads...there isn't much genetic variance is there...are there any other good lines to be had?

Edited for stupid phone corrections
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