Welsh Harlequin

Oh my Gosh!!! I can't stand how cute they are..... mine are coming the week of 4/25 from Holderreads... WH and runners.... that pic makes me want them sooooo bad...... I bet they sound adorable with all their little peepy quaks.....
So how many boys/girls did you wind up with for the WH? Just trying to tell from your pic, but I only see seven not eight and it looks like only 3 girls? Did you wind up with 4 girls and boys?

And do people do with all the extra drakes??
You are correct that there were three that clearly looked like girls. I would like to think that with being so easy to sex as day olds that they would send you an even split of girls and boys but that might just be wishful thinking on my part. The difference in bill color is only suppose to last 2-3 days so I'm HOPING that maybe one of them started to change already. Again, wishful thinking. As far as extra boys are concerned, some people send them to freezer camp and others re-home them. With the price and quality of these guys I would have a hard time just butchering them...but that's just me.
Now I can't wait. I have 4 WH and 6 Saxony ducklings coming from Holderreads in a couple of weeks. I hope I don't get all drakes though.

I hope you don't either. That is one of the reasons why I ordered 8 of each...figured my luck couldn't be that bad!! That and the fact I wanted to get a pretty good quality pair of each breed. I'm sure they will at least give you a pair of WH. As for the Saxony, I guess thats up to mother nature!! Good luck...hope these next 2 weeks fly by for ya!!
Thank you all for convincing me that I need one. I'm going down to Metzer next month to pick up two ducks one runner and one WELSH HARLEQUIN
Who knows. maybe I'll get rid of my chickens once my ducks start to lay so I have room for more WHs. Ducks are so wonderful...chickens....eh.
I love all the WH pics! We ordered eggs off ebay and put them in the incubator. With a week left we brought a broody chicken in the house to be the mama. We gave her the eggs and it worked like a charm. The babies hatched on 5/3/11 which puts them at 2 1/2 weeks old now. We had to put a bigger tub in their house today. This is the first time that they've swam under water 100%.
Is it just me or is duck TV waaay better than chicken TV?!

Here's a YouTube link to see them in action.
how early can you sex by feather colour? I have 2 4wk olds that have both suddenly developed a LOT of claret/chestnut feathers on their chests. Am i right in thinking they will both be drakes or is it too soon to tell?
Hello im new
. I have a order of 2 welsh harlequins (from metzer farms) comming on June 29.....cant wait!! I will post some pictures as soon as i get them
Welsh H. lover ♥ :

Hello im new
. I have a order of 2 welsh harlequins (from metzer farms) comming on June 29.....cant wait!! I will post some pictures as soon as i get them

Hi Welsh H. Lover AND


I could post some pictures I suppose..of my "to be" babies...they are still in the bator. Only in for 4 days. I'm a nervous wreck. I have not hatched ducks before, but many a chick.
These all look soo cute, then pretty. Glad I choose the Welsh Harlequin after reading up on ducks. I think the female is as pretty as the male. And, I hear that they lay often, and don't fly? All good things, I'm hearing all good things...
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