Welsh Harlequin

One looks just like a Khaki Campbell, the other like a WH cross, or a Khaki Campbell cross. I hate to disappoint, but at this stage they don't have the right color for a Welsh Harlequin - they should be mostly white with some markings, not mostly or all brown.

Here we have a trio of Khaki Campbells in front and a pair of Welsh Harlequins in the back, you can see the difference:

Well that sucks! They were definitely yellow at hatch with greenish beaks. I hatched 4 KC at the same time and they were chocolate brown like they were supposed to be. I'll see if I can find a pic of them at hatch. Thanks for the input!

Edited to add picture. The two yellow ducklings are the ones in the previous pic that I was told were Welsh Harlequins.
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I had been wanting Welsh Harlequins for years and when I saw some for sale i jumped at the chance for some and i ended up with only 2 because the other 4 i bought were a different breed of duck...so those 2 grew into adults and i ended up with a pair. I wanted to get more because I liked the harlequins so much so i saved up and bought 20 welsh harlequins from holderreads in December...and then i got them at the end of April!!!! And now I have a total of 18 welsh harlequins...there are 7 females from Holderreads (the one from my first pair makes 8 females) and 8 drakes (one also being from the first pair i had). I sold the others and the extra 2 that they sent me, which were khaki cambells. Im very happy with the ones i have now but i will be getting rid of about 3 males in a week or two.

Here is a pic of my first pair:

and the female in this pic just hatched out 10 beautiful ducklings! there were 6 females and 4 males.



These are my harlequins from Holderreads
And notice that the ducklings (only a little older than 3 months) won grand champ at the fair when my sister showed them!!!



And when they were babies...




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Ahh, Welshies!

I adore welsh harlequins, I currently have two, a drake, and a duck, they both are wonderful additions to our lovely little flock of 7, which also includes 2 khaki campbells named Eagle (Drake) and Cinnamon stick (duck) , 1 mallard named Monroe (Drake) , 1 supposed magpie (Zarah) Duck, and a cute little runner Sasha (duck).

But the WH, Crayola (duck), and Tama (Drake) are the freindliest ducks by far, I wish I could breed them! But sadly due to limited space that is not possible at the moment, Tama our drake went to the petstore with us and loved it, he also scared the cashier person!

He likes to travel in the car, and go swim in our lake (leashed of course), he likes taking walks around our land, and of course his favorite activity EATING!

Crayola has never gone anywhere with us, she's a bit more skittish then Tama, hence her staying home!
I have passed upon this thread, a few times. Always enjoying looking at everyone's pics.
I thought my guys are now old enough, to post a few pics of. Now, mind you...they are still young. The drakes, are still getting their green head feathers in....and right now, everyone is molting!! It looks like a pillow fight went on, around my duck pens.

There are also young Runner ducks, and Rouen Ducks, in the pics.

Everyone proving that playing in horse poop, is great fun! LOL


(Don't you love, how my Trout Runner Duck, makes it into EVERY pic. She is kinda a duck's version of "Where's Waldo." LOL)





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