Welsh Harlequin

duck&chickencrazy :

Did these come from holderreads? If they did then I need some! Are they all golds?

Yes they came from Holderreads, and i ended up with 3 golden and 5 silver hens​

Oh, my gold doesnt look much like yours. Differnt hatcherys though. So it makes sence
very pretty ducks though
I'm pretty sure that "Ethel" is a hen too, does she quack? By now, if you pick her up she should emphatically "quack" at you. A drake would have a bright green head and a curly tail feather and NOT quack. Love Welsh Harlequins!
At the moment I have one infertile drake (he lost too much when he had a prolapsed penis), who is a great boy, he's seven. I used to have two ducks as well, but lost them over the years. My favorite, Silver, I lost last summer. Love the breed!

Here's Silver and Sassy from several years ago:

Silver would help me weed by sticking her bill under my fingers to grab any good stuff that came loose (mostly worms). She would eat worms from my fingers and follow me around like a puppy dog. Sassy wasn't quite so tame and our drake, Freckles, is calm enough, but I don't have that special bond with him that I did with the girls. Silver hatched and raised a couple of ducklings one year too, though that was the only year she went broody for me. Well, I'm looking forward to trying to hatch some next spring, along with Anconas (I'll either get a drake or some eggs, or maybe both!). I gotta quit keeping more than I sell or lose in a year...
I wish I had a ancona drake, or I would send you some ancona eggs as well. If I had money though I would buy a blue ancona for my black hen.
no $ though.... Lol.
Yeah, thats how it is here to. I couldnt even get a good call duck pair with out having them shipped! Lol. It stinks! I saw a blue ancona SQ pair for $200 bucks! I sure wish I was rich! Lol!

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