Welsummer picking at the others...


In the Brooder
Aug 19, 2020
Hi! We have one Welsummer and three others. Two are Easter Eggers and the other is a rescue that I'm not really sure about - seems like an EE though. Anyway, the Welsummer picks at the others. Not really like a bully but picks at their necks and is currently picking at one who just got re-introduced after a hawk attack. They have a completely enclosed run attached to the coop and another area that now has a chicken wire roof covering the entire area. They've got various things to roost on and hide under. I don't think it's boredom. The Welsummer has generally been top of the pecking order. My question is, would getting another Welsummer be helpful? Thanks!!
They have a completely enclosed run attached to the coop and another area that now has a chicken wire roof covering the entire area. They've got various things to roost on and hide under. I don't think it's boredom. The Welsummer has generally been top of the pecking order. My question is, would getting another Welsummer be helpful? Thanks!!
Photos of your set up?

Adding another bird to a bullying situation is most likely going to create an additional bullying issue.
So the run plus the additional space is open during all of daylight hours?

I see a pallet, a ladder perch and a log, but not much else. If they have access to all that space you have room for additional clutter from what I can see: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/a-cluttered-run.1323792/page-6#post-25037140
There's more not shown in the pics. A chair, a bucket, a couple logs...but this started when they had more room and more things to perch on, hide under, and play with. They even had tree branches to fly into and perch in. The picky one has been top of the pecking order for a few years but the actual feather picking just started this past spring.
I looks like they've lost a considerable amount of space compared to what they have now.
She isn't very happy with their new place and is letting you know the only way she canby acting up .The coop looks kinda small .Are you're keeping them locked up longer?
I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond, but as I said, the picking started before I made their outside area smaller. They're only in the coop at night or when they want to be. The coop is close to 16 square feet. The enclosed run is 60 square feet and the outside area is another 60 square feet. They have access to both runs during day. I'm just not sure that 120 square feet for four chickens is not enough room. But again, the feather picking started in spring when they access to probably triple the space they have now.
My coop and run was made into an obstacle course prior to releasing (13)17 week old pullets last week into the flock (8 hens and 2 cockerels)It has roosting bars on both ends and in the middle and waterers and feeders on both ends.I also made 2 pathways so the chickens can get from one end of the run to the other without being seen from the other pathway.Its not very pretty to look at but its entertaining and provides lots of ways for them to avoid each other or hide. 23 chickens live in here peacefully.
They used to have the area all the way to the right as well. But it was difficult to cover due to the branches from two different neighbors' trees. After the recent attack, I changed it to just straight back to the fence and covered that entire area. So, they have inside the run and access to that area between the run and the fence. She's been picking their neck feathers since the spring. At first I thought mites or lice but have found no evidence. And her (Rue) feathers are pristine. Not sure that Welsummers are immune to mite/lice damage, right? They've had a mostly intact pecking order for the last three years. When I brought Bea back after the attack, one of them (Betty) was pretty ruthless so I took her out for a couple days. When Betty went back things calmed back down. The more I watched though, the more I noticed the feather picking from Rue against the other three. So I thought maybe Rue needs someone more like her. They get fermented feed mixed with herbs along with certain garden plants (borage, comfrey, mint, etc.). They get some kitchen scraps and sunflower seeds as well - not every day for that though.


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I looks like they've lost a considerable amount of space compared to what they have now.
She isn't very happy with their new place and is letting you know the only way she canby acting up .The coop looks kinda small .Are you're keeping them locked up longer?

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