Went to a funeral, brought home a chicken...*Pics added!*



How do these things keep happening to me?
I went to a funeral of a friend of mine, but it was not a typical one.
It was a party, a celebration of the life that good old Betty had lived.
While I was there a mutual friend of mine was talking about his hens<-- of course they have my instant attention...
Well he does not know a lot about chickens, he basically knows the breed and that he can get eggs from them if he feeds them. The basics...
So he suddenly mentions that he has this little bantam hen, a golden laced Seabrite who was the only bantam in a flock of 16 bard rocks, and how he found her half dead after they all ganged up on her. He then tells me that there in a closed in pen and its not as big as it should be. He also lets me know that his rooster has been "attacking" it frequently...
I then offer/ask/jump in delight if I can take the poor little hen.
And so I left the funeral with a hen

Ill post pictures in the morning!! But i just had to share
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Poor thing!
Glad you jumped on that!
I'm sorry about your friend.
I've been to a couple funerals like that....they are much nicer than the typical funeral.
I prefer them.
Can't wait to see pics of your new lady.
Oh so am I! I was worried she would end up dead if I didn't take her!
Well, its alright. She lived to a ripe old age of 87 I think, and went peacefully.
She asked for a celebration instead of morning and it was very delightful. Depressing, but delightful.
Ill make sure to post lots of pictures of the poor thing, shes pretty flighty at the moment.

Lol yes, thats why I had to post this XD
Thank you. At least she had a wonderful day before she passed away.
Great story! Consider it a gift from your friend Betty. Sounds like she would have loved how it worked out...

I call the story of how I got my first chicken "Three Witches, a Chicken and an Earthquake".
Oh my god I cant name her Betty, that was the name of the person who passed away! I think that would be a little bit TO ironic XD
Though I must admit I was tempted >w>
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