What’s the deal with you chicken people??

I live in southwest NM and want chickens who can deal with heat, drought and hunting raptors. I got random-breed hens from a local guy and have collected others at farmer's market and a rooster from a fighting-bird breeder. The rooster wouldn't fight. None of them claims any breed, but they all seem to know where to sleep, how to watch the sky, what to scratch and peck and they can smell water. They have also learned my "come and get it" call. Their first hatch of babies is now trying it out for themselves. In Virginia, I had Buff Orpingtons I liked very much.
Oh it was the spots and stripes that made me give up on breeds. I thought I had nailed the whole spots thing only to be told that two apparently identical spotted chickens were completely different breeds.
That was when I called it a day.
And don’t show off with your bantam chicken jargon until you can tell me why that isn’t just a small chicken (which of course could be either pretty or very pretty)!
Why isn’t it just small chicken?? Ok you want to get fancy? Mini chicken. I’ve got 2 chicks. Some dude asks what kind. I say bantam frizzles. He condescendingl
I think we're just a bunch of caring folks who want to do the right things. It takes time and try out different breeds and ways to see what's a good fit for you and also your environment. Is it extra hot where you live or extra cold? Find the best breeds that tolerate your environment best. Example my area is hot so my coop and run are shaded and my run is fitted with misters. I'm talking 110 degrees. So chickens cool by there feet. The misters help them stay cool. I have to supply extra electrolytes to keep them from getting depleted. It takes time and a bit of research to find the best fit for your flock. Also consider predators in your area. Some areas have hawks, some have raccoons. Know what's out in your area to best protect your birds. I have both hawks and raccoons my run is covered so the hawks stay out. I got an automatic coop door that protects raccoons from sneaking in. Had that happened before. So awful. It's a live and learn thing. Hope this helps a little. Have fun and good luck
I’m in NC, we have 100 degree summers and 10 degree winters. Raccoons hawks coyotes opossum fox owls.. ya know the usual killers. I mainly want them for yard pest control and eggs. So I need an all around all weather fast running clever hiding chicken that loves bugs! Any ideas?
Or be fancy and say mini chicken lol. I’ve got 2 chicks. Some dude asks what kind. I say bantam frizzles. He condescendingly says that’s not the breed. Look guy I have no idea ok? They’re yellow small crazy haired chickens.
Bantam is the size, frizzle is the feather type, but both of those can apply to several breeds.

If they also have feathers on their feet, single combs, and no crest on their head or muff/beard on their face, they are probably Cochins. (But change any one detail, and you've got somthing else: Polish or d'Uccle or Brahma or Silkie-mix or....)
Knowledge takes time. There are many subjects I know a lot about simply due to exposure. You'll get there!

Bantam is the size, frizzle is the feather type, but both of those can apply to several breeds.

If they also have feathers on their feet, single combs, and no crest on their head or muff/beard on their face, they are probably Cochins. (But change any one detail, and you've got somthing else: Polish or d'Uccle or Brahma or Silkie-mix or....)
Ok Mr/Mrs know it all (humorous tone)


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