What’s your favorite type of chicken?

My favourite breed of all the ones we've had so far are the Old English Game Bantams. They are so tiny and cute and our cockerel is an absolute sweetie who is endlessly patient with the kids!

I'd love some Modern Game Bantams one day but they are pretty rare in my country.
Hi, so I was just curious what everyone’s favorite breed of chicken was! I thought about making a poll, but realized there are WAY too many breeds to add. I also know that other people have also probably posted something like this, but I was just curious 🙂 anyway, comment below what your favorite breed is and why (or your top 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10... breeds are!) my top ones so far the sapphire gem and buff Brahmas, because they seem really gentle. I also love silkies but it rains here a lot and I can’t keep roosters, because they are straight run. Obviously if you’ve seen my other 2 threads, I’m pretty new so don’t know a lot of chicken breeds, but I hope to learn more! Sorry it’s so long!
My absolute favorites are Mille Fleur d'Uccle hens. They are so pretty!! I just love their spots and feathered feet. I also like Salmon Favorelles, they are like little barn owls, and I think they are so cute! I also like splash Cochins, their feathers are super pretty and they are just big balls of fluff for you to hug! Easter Eggers also come in so many various colors, it's hard to chose what color you like out of them! I had and EE that was grey with a beautiful copper color streaks across her back. Heart if you just love these kinds! :love
Brahmas are by far my favourite. I don't own them but I have heard lots of awesome things about them. They are also beautiful 💕.
Of the ones I own however (Light Sussex, brown Leghorn, black Minorca.) It would have to be white Wyandotte. (Yes, confusing) (I had a Wyandotte but my dog killed her😭) she was the quietest, most beautiful chicken I have ever owned. She had been through so much, she had been attacked by the dog before but I was there to save her. Anyone could walk up to her and pick her up and she wouldn't care. She was beautiful!!!
(Sorry about that sad story)
My absolute favorites are Mille Fleur d'Uccle hens. They are so pretty!! I just love their spots and feathered feet. I also like Salmon Favorelles, they are like little barn owls, and I think they are so cute! I also like splash Cochins, their feathers are super pretty and they are just big balls of fluff for you to hug! Easter Eggers also come in so many various colors, it's hard to chose what color you like out of them! I had and EE that was grey with a beautiful copper color streaks across her back. Heart if you just love these kinds! :love
Yes, Mille Fleur D'uccles are beautiful!!
I will always love Australorps because they are so friendly, funny and excellent large egg layers. Plus their green sheen is so beautiful.
I love my Black Aussies. I'm getting some Blue ones. Since I've only had Aussies a (not the greatest) BO rooster, I don't have a lot to choose from for a favorite.
This is my current top 10
1) Brahma; love how gentle they are, plus I love big animals with fluffy feet (by knowing this you can also guess what's my favourite horse breed lol)
2) Faverolles; I like a lot the salmon color, they have cute fluffy faces and they are gentle, too
3) Bantam cochin; they're super cute fluffyballs, great moms and they're friendly
4) Australorp; great layers and really elegant
5) Silkie; I like their soft "fur"
6) Cemani; they're so cool, love their total black color
7) Schijndelaar; they lay beautiful greed-blue eggs and the roosters have a fabolous tail
8) Serama; they're so tiny and friendly
9) Marans; they lay very beautiful eggs
10) Polish; I like their crests and their colours
Tell me more about your Schijndelaars! I just got one and have more on the way.

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