What a wreck

Mrs. K

Crossing the Road
14 Years
Nov 12, 2009
western South Dakota
My two main predators are coyotes and coons. Coyotes tend to attack in the daylight, and coons at night. Yesterday, something tore up my rooster. He looks terrible and maybe blind. No tail feathers left. He is 18 months so full size. His feathers are in a huge pile. There does not appear to be feathers anywhere else.

I had 7 young birds and an old biddy hen with three chicks. Last night I had two pullets roosted up, the rooster staggering around not far from the coop. They had been out free ranging, after several days of being in lock down due to us being gone. This morning, the broody came out of the brush, without chicks. So I have 3 pullet/hen and a beat up rooster.

Five highly flighty that frequently flew to the top of a 7 foot run, quicker than lightening birds that are gone, plus the 3 chicks. The chicks I can see, and to be honest, I was surprised to see the broody hen this morning. I kind of thought, maybe the young ones ran off into the crick, and would come back tonight, but nothing.

My question, is while I have over the years had a coyote get a single bird, not 5 at one time. Coons have often wiped me out, but that is in the dark, trapped in a coop with body parts all over. What could have gotten 5 active birds after the fight the rooster obviously had? You would think the pullets and hens would have been fleeing in all directions.

Maybe, they are down in the crick, maybe at least some of them will come back, but it was quite a loss in the middle of the day. Not a feather or a body.

Could have been a family of coyotes?

Mrs K
Might it have been arial predators in a pair feeding / teaching young?
The lack of remains being my reason for thinking so, along with the damage to your rooster's eye.

I'm sorry this happened 😢
What could have gotten 5 active birds after the fight the rooster obviously had? You would think the pullets and hens would have been fleeing in all directions.
Oh, they will hunt them down and find them all if so motivated. I had a fox family of four take 23 free range chickens in just a couple of hours. I would think a pair of coyotes could quickly and easily take 5. It's kind of surprising the rooster would be able escape a coyote though. How's the poor guy doing?
Trying to get brave enough to go see. He was still here this morning, and seeing out of one eye, I think. He was pretty near shock when I found him, but we will see. I suppose if he is not much better tonight, I should give him the coop de grace. But he was walking this morning. Just sickening.
So sorry!
Her we've had a bad fox attack, and dog issues with our own dogs. Some panicked chickens will fly up into trees, a good idea if it's a canine of some sort. Others will crouch and 'freeze', trying to be invisible, and canines have no problem getting those birds.
Sadly, I've seen these behaviors as they've happened in our flock.
And our one killer dog wiped out 21 chickens in about an hour a few years ago!
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oh yes, in the coop/run. It will be quite a while before I let them out again. I just don't have a lot of day time predators. I might lose a bird once in a while, but they are just gone and don't come in at night. I finally have the coop predator proof.

The rooster's feathers were in a huge pile, it must have been quite a fight. He was badly beat up. There were two young pullets roosted in the coop when I found them in the early evening. The next morning, Mrs. Feathers came without her chicks out of the brush, and into the coop/run. Of all my birds, I would have thought they would have gotten her, she is older, and was still brooding chicks.

My leg horn pullets were flighty, frequently flying up to the top of a 6 foot coop. I really kind of expected a few of them to come out of the brush the next day.,,but they didn't.

Sometimes I hate this hobby.

Mrs K
I'm so sorry for your loss! Perhaps a couple strands of electric fence would make them safer? Sounds like foxes to me! I'm making a chicken tractor so I can free range mine safely but its isn't finished yet.

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