What about mosquito larvae?


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
With our last chickens we had large waterers for the flock and filled them up once a week but have been wondering, down here in mosquito land, how do you keep large waterers free of larvae?

Going to get a few chickens again soon and trying to work out the bugs BEFORE we get bugs lol
Can you put a lid on the waterers so the adults can't get in?

I know some people but some bleach in the water. I'm not sure how much, I think it was like a capful for 50 gallons.
As I will be going for stealth chickens, a duck into the mix might not be a good idea
I live in serious mosquito country and have never had a problem with larvae in the waterers. Anything else left in or around the pen that holds water will fill up but I think the chickens keep them out of their water; or the mosquitos won't lay in them.
Apple cider vinegar is supposed to help with algae in the waterer. Does anybody know if it kills mosquitoes as well? I want to say the ratio is 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 gallon of water. Can somebody verify this?

Goldfish are also a good solution.
I have used all three for horse troughs (if thats how you spell it?) and they all work well but a big chicken waterer is a bit different.

Just wondered if there was a standard way to keep them out, I have heard of dunks but dont know if they are recomended for use with livestock.
Just tip the waterer halfway through the week and slosh any larvae out. you will waste a *little* water that way, but not much.

Also, the less algae and bacteria growing in your waterers (which is anohter good reason to swipe and slosh them out every few days at *least*) the slower the mosquito larvae will grow. The larvae themselves are not harmful to chickens, you just don't want to be farming up *adult* mosquitos

Good luck, have fun,


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