What age do Ducks start to lay?

Is that ALL ducks?? I have runners, 5 that are 10 weeks, 2 @ 15 weeks and 2 adults, (1 duck, 1 drake). They definitely can b sexed by voice!!! The Ducks will quack up a storm when caught and held and the drakes sound like a hoarse whisper. Lol. I wasn't sure that was true for all breeds though.
Hi! I got 4 ducks today, 1 drake and 3 hens. I've already found a new home for the drake as I have no interest in keeping him so I'm left with the 3 hens. They're 9.5 weeks old today so I'm concerned they won't lay until next spring......Has anyone had success putting a light in they're duck hut to help our girls lay steadily throughout the winter?

They're a barnyard mix as best as I can tell but look to have a little bit of either Mallard to Rouen in them. My Male looks like a pure Pekin but I'm really not sure. Any help figuring out what they could be mixes of would be great!

Looks to me like Pekin, Ancona, and Swedish mix and a Rouen mix. Rouen Swedish, maybe Rouen Pekin....

And the larger the duck, the longer till laying, so they may start laying at around 7 months...sometimes they wait till spring, but sometimes they surprise us.
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I have a female Mallard, 14 Weeks old, she and my Drake Acona started getting chummy after a coon got my other Drake and my other baby Mallard, I caught him on her in the pool I separated them because I figured she was too young yet, even though she let him. and then he broke out of his pen and got her again today, she hasn't started laying yet could someone give me some advice on what I can expect, and should I keep them separated? Here's a pic of them.
Ive been reading through the comments on this post and I have a question now. I have three Peking ducks, I think are all females, but now I will be looking for the drake feather I just learned about :D. I bought them in September as babies so they’re about 6 months old. Anyway, several people have mentioned “hop on top” and mating behavior as a sign their girls were about ready to start laying....I noticed the other day two of my ducks wrestling? With each other and biting at each others necks. The third was standing around watching and eventually she joined in and it was two against one. Is this the behavior people are talking about? If not, any idea what they’re doing?! They pal around all day together so to see them “fighting” was surprising to me. I’m hoping it’s just a sign eggs are coming soon! I can’t wait!!:clap

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