What age do Polish hens begin laying?

My Polish hens are 8 months old, I didn't believe they are ever going to lay but after reading this thread I feel a little more optimistic that they will be laying very soon.
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The day old chicks I bought last summer, WC Bantam Polish, are all laying regularly now and have been for a month. Usually, they are laying an egg a day per hen. A couple skip a day here and there, but they've been pretty regular layers.
My white crested black polish hatchery chick just started laying yesterday at exactly 6 months old. No eggsquat, no cackling, nothin'! She only became interested in the nest box a few days ago. I was really surprised. She is the first to begin laying out of my entire mixed flock of the exact same age.
My girl is about 8 months old and I haven't seen an egg yet, but I have only had her for a month so between that and the less light I haven't really expected her to be laying...With that said she has been Exceptionally noisy lately, so maybe she will start to lay for me soooon...!

P.S. I don't expect many eggs from her, but I would like 1 or 2 at least... lol
My girl is about 8 months old and I haven't seen an egg yet, but I have only had her for a month so between that and the less light I haven't really expected her to be laying...With that said she has been Exceptionally noisy lately, so maybe she will start to lay for me soooon...! :fl

P.S. I don't expect many eggs from her, but I would like 1 or 2 at least... lol

My polish hen is almost a year and I think she just laid her first pointy ended egg!,,
My polish hen is almost a year and I think she just laid her first pointy ended egg!,,
YaY! Mine ended up laying 2 weeks ago...She is my only white egg layer at the moment so I knew it was hers. She lays an egg every other day like clockwork (She is right at 10 months old now)

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