What am I and how should I introduce myself!


7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
I rescued this duck, we call her Mr. Duck, from being killed. She had her upper beak snapped off by something (snapping turtle probably). Well we just love her and we have a pond and 2 other ducks: a male and a female, also rescues. The current female is sitting on eggs.

We just bought 5 ducklings. They are so cute!!!!, and Mr. Duck decided that she would care for them and be their mother. She is SOOOO cute with them. SO... here come the questions.

1. What kind of duck is Mr. Duck?
2. Is Mr. Duck a male or a female?

Here is Mr. Duck with the ducklings that I just bought. She is being a momma!!!

3. How can I introduce Mr. Duck to my previous 2 ducks. The male, Sir Duck, keeps running Mr. Duck off when she tries to go swimming in the pond. It makes me so sad.

4. Will she have a long a healthy life without the top beak? I am feeding her wet food 3-5 times per day! She is spoiled and I LOVE her!
You look like a lovely Saxony to me.

Introducktions are best done slowly, with lots of supervision from the duck steward, a.k.a. duck momma, which is different than momma duck, like Mr. Duck.

If you make definite quack or wak noises instead of whispers and mumbles, you are a duck (female).

The drake may continue to act like a jerk. Just take it one little step at a time. Perhaps you can get treats all at the same time, though on different sides of the fence.

As far as I know, ducks can live a long happy healthy life even with a bill injury like yours.
Thanks! We have been putting them together under our supervision. She makes quite loud noises! She is so sweet! She is also this great bluish lavender color. She is SO pretty! We have two drakes that we would like to adopt from a rescue organization that are special needs. Do you think that we will be able to bring them into the flock. The 2 special needs were originally with our first 2 ducks! They got along there.
Drake dynamics are challenging. If they are special needs in that they are not very mobile that might make it easier. Drakes get really - difficult - when they get all hormonal. I mean, they can be a real handful, even dangerous if there are not enough girls. Sometimes they will gang up on one duck. This doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen.

Proud of you for adopting!!!

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