What am I getting my self into ?

First off,
!!! Now to answer your question about what you are getting yourself into. I think it would be best said this way... If you are looking to just get 3 or 4 hens, make sure you build your coop to hold at least 20. See, when I first started out this past spring, I initially only wanted 3 or 4 chickens. Then I went to the feed store to pick my chicks up and low and behold, I cam home with 12!
That was just the start!
I now have 28 chickens (3 chicks, 22 pullets and 3 cockerels) and 24 eggs in my incubator! These buggers are horribly addicted and so much fun to raise. They will work their way into your heart and it seems that you just can't ever have enough of them! I think this pic will explain it all.

Yeah, I started out with 3 sexlink pullets just for eggs. I am not a bird person so there was no danger of my getting attached to them. I already had a building to put 'em in so it wouldn't cost me any money, either.

Uh huh, right.

I am 'only' up to 14, but expect that to at least double this year, and I have spent the last two days (temperatures in the low single digits F) outside building a new roofed run for the sussexes, with the roofing material *alone* costing about $250. (Uh, I hope my DH isn't reading this, I'm not sure he exactly knows that
) That's on top of the tractor, an indoor pen, a lean-to greenhouse-style run, the broiler tractor I will build this spring, and the other larger half of the roofed run that'll have to wait til next summer...

On the other hand, MOST of my chickens have broke even (when you consider the value of the eggs or meat) or made me a noticeable profit, if you ignore the money spent on the abovementioned construction projects <g>

So, have fun, heh heh heh

(Chickens really are pretty interesting and entertaining critters, and fresh eggs really ARE wonderful)

well here is my story....... i started off wanting 20 so i could have fresh eggs. and my wife was fine with that.

well after finding this site and got really jeous of everyone and there really nice coops i started mine.. i promised my wife i wouldn't get anymore then 20!...

well now i am up to about 72 and if this batch of eggs hatch i will have 102 and i can't stop i am addicted... help

If i was you i would RUN, before you trun out like the rest of us!
Ok. Now you guys are scaring me. I have a 30x30 barn just constructed last year and a few hound dogs roaming the yard.

Why not have a few chickens.

I can see this is like a drug to some of you.

I'll keep you all posted.

Now don't let us scare you! I was basically just pointing out that you might want to build bigger than you think, just incase! LOL! Sounds like the 30x30 will fit the bill nicely though.

So! One thing left to do. What kind 'ya gonna get?!?!
I don't even have mine yet, and I already feel the pull of addiction
I started out a month ago wanting 4 or 5, but by the time I placed my order, it became 10 (2 each of 5 breeds). They will be delivered next week...but that doesn't include the Silkies that I might be getting from a fellow BYC member. "Might"...hahaha...yeah right, they already have their spell on me and my kids...the real question is "how many Silkies?"
Yesterday when I got home, I kissed my wife and headed out the back door to the barn, to secretly begin planning the construction of my chicken coop.

Secretly, because my wife claims every Idea I come up with is a hair brained scheme that ends up costing 3 times more than the savings that was intended.

Normally these project are co-planned by my buddy Dale. Who is advising from a distance on this one, and has sworn to stay completely out of harms way, meaning he doesn't want to be beat to death with a live chicken. and has even stated he will deny any involvement with this project if questioned by either of our wives.

Anyway, My wife must have smelled the smoke as I went by and made her way to the barn to spy on me. She knows not to just ask what I'm doing, so she first, get a visual of the situation and makes her standard call to Dale's wife (Joy), First name (Kill), to see if she has any Intel as to what the boys maybe up to.

Unable to gather any information from her double agent on our covert mission she began her standard interrogation methods you might see Jack Bauer perform on 24.

Q: What ya doin in the barn?

A: Oh, just piddling around.

Q: You building something?

A: Trying to find some use for the those left over barn materials.

Q: Have you or Dale in the past month been in or have entered into any conversation or agreement to construct, plan, make material list, purchase or get prices on said materials to construct any structure on this or any other property in our names?


A: Not that you can prove.

My wife and I will be married 14 years this April. And I knew from the beginning she was my Miss right. I was not aware her first name was always.

Anyway, I have a lot of planning to do before I break ground on this project. Lucky for me I have another buddy who is a building official and plan developer for a small town near by. And one of the pluses is our wives don't know one another.

I am sure I will be asking some important question from the good folks here in the BYC site.

Everyone have a great day!

having some backyard chickens is a great thing.
what are you getting into? well it is money to build a small coop and get a small run......then it is time to feed and care for live critters.....and it is commitment not to travel and all that...unless you have a person to feed while gone.

So it is great to get fresh eggs, but be sure you want animals. Some people never mind the little trouble etc....others truly want no ties at home and be able to pop off whenever.

A few chickens is not alot of work at all and the meat and eggs are a huge plus! Yummy!

best of luck!!!
Devious, deceptive, co conspirators, hmmmm You're going to fit in well around here.

If my wife new I had 6 dozen eggs on order this spring, and I just asked about another dozen today, I'd be adding a couch to the coop.
You are in pretty much exactly the same position that I'm in. 1 acre lot, wife with vegetable garden... I wanted to get chickens and build a coop for a couple of years and finally got some three months ago. For variety, I originally got 3 each of brown leghorn, Austrolorp, Gold Campine, and Barred Rock. After two months I gave away 8 and kept one of each kind, so I now have 4. I built a 4x6 coop, so I could actually get a couple more, but I probably won't. I love my chickens, but I think it would become a bit of a pain if I got any more. Right now they're extremely easy to take care of. Feed them and change water in the morning then let them free range in our back yard for the day while I'm at work. I have about 1/4 acre back yard inside a privacy fence. I really think they're easier to take care of than a dog since they don't dig up the yard, don't require walking, and don't need to have their poop picked up. They're also very cold tolerant. I live in Alabama and it only usually gets down into the 20s at the coldest. 20 degree temperatures don't phase them at all. I would use a heat lamp if it got down in the teens though. I haven't had to deal with any predators or disease. Yet... But for now, I've been very pleasantly surprised at just how easy it is. And the feed is cheap! $9 for a 50 pound bag which lasts at least two months.

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