What am I getting my self into ?

You really are a "Hoot"!!! Good Luck and Can't wait to hear what happens next!!
I can relate....I am NOT a person who likes being out in the cold. (I consider 'cold' to be anything under 70 degrees LOL). These chickens have gotten a hold of my heart and I'm finding myself out in 29 degree temps to visit my babies and take care of them.

I started out with 6 chicks. I have several gardens. I had to fence in a range area. I originally let them free range but they were destroying my gardens, and spreading my mulch piles all over. I got tired of constantly raking up my mulch piles and replanting my gardens. I tried spraying them with my garden sprayer or sometime put the sprinklers on. They would run out, but when the sprinklers were off they would venture in again. The temptation, so instead of fencing in my gardens, they got fenced in. Since I have increased my flock, instead of expanding my coup I bought a shed and converted it. This spring I am planning on building a third much larger coop. Shhhhhhhh don't tell my husband because he thinks I'm nuts, but he does go out and give them treats most every day.
Here is a great reference book, Gail Damerow's 'Storey's Guide to Chickens' is an excellent guide, as well as this web site. This site is an excellent source of information.

Also here are some other good sites and info.
Henderson's Chicken Breed Chart

Hoot, you've got me cracking up... You're going to be a chicken addict and a hatch-a-holic in no time.

I, too, can't wait to hear what happens next.

That Barn is Gorgeous!!! I love it!!!! I bet you could get over 200 chickens in that barn!!
Might get a little hard to hide those from your DW but I'm sure you and Dale can think of some way to do it!!!

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