What am I?

She told me the rooster was an Old English Game bantam rooster and 10 weeks old. This girl(i assume its a girl) is almost twice the size. I know here toe looks messed up in this pic but its not. Its the way its sitting. The legs and feet appear to be almost a bluish grey. I put these bird in with the little ones last night and they did good if that matters.


The little rooster appears to be a Game Bantam of some sort but if his legs have a green tint I would say he was a mix between Old English Bantam and another Bantam with green legs. Judging by his sizeand statrure I would say he was a mix with OEG and Dutch (likely Black Dutch or maybe Hamburg Bantam) Another possiblity is the rooster could be American Gamefowl Bantam Hatch Kelso....

The hen looks like a Black Sex-Link. The washing on the legs is from the Barred Rock hen used to produce the sex-link chicks!
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She looks like what I think a hen should look like but has started to crow. Ive heard her crow 3 times today. Shes gotten some nice coloring around her neck since the last pictures.




The roo hasnt grown much

Thanks. Shes a big girl and top of the pecking order. The roosters tell her yes ma'am. She also doent let any of the bigger birds pick on the new chicks. Little guy is very pretty I think.

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