What are "duck feathers" on an EE cockerel?


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2021
I have seen a few posts that mention what to look for when trying to figure out if young chickens are pullets or cockerels. What is meant by cockerels developing duck feathers? I used to raise Muscovy ducks...so I've seen lots of duck feathers. :) Thanks!!
Better to post pictures of the bird you want sexed. By "duck feathers" do you mean overly glossy feathers?
I have no idea. I'm asking what that means when someone says to look for duck feathers forming because they only show up on cockerels.
Um...I've seen it here on these forums. Okay...I'll just forget it. Oh well.
Come on, don't be like that. We can figure this out.
I've never heard anything like what you said and I have no clue what it would mean.
I've never heard it on this forum so a link would be awesome. There is definitely some confusion somewhere.
When talking about cockerels getting certain type of feathers is hackle and saddle feathers but honestly it usually easy to tell sex before those ever come in. I'd say that's what was meant but idk how it got to "duck feathers"
With a lot of specifically EE cockerels they tend to get red patches on their shoulders earlier on which pullets don't get. Still I wouldn't know how those turned into being called "duck feathers"
Never heard the term 'duck feathers' applied to chickens. Hopefully someone will comment and edify the lot of us.

Just did an online search on 'duck feathers chickens', and the only hit I got was this thread. :idunno

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