What are some funny things people "know" about hens?

I had a lady ask me if the blue and green eggs are only laid during easter

Oh of coarse they are only laid during easter, the hens just have to check their calendar to make sure it's time to spray paint the eggs!

I bought two silkie hens from a lady who had a flock of about 10 with a purebred rooster in the coop. The next day a lady I work with bought one of the hens from me as was the plan from the beginning. Her hen, "Sweetie", laid an egg a day for the next three days. I told my co-worker that I would happily incubate her eggs if I could keep 1 if they all hatched. She agreed and brought them to me the next day with a concern about something her aunt, the chicken keeper I mentioned in the beginning sentence, had told her when she informed her of my plan to incubate: her aunt said it didn't matter that the hen HAD been with a roo up until 4 days previous; she had to be with a roo daily for her eggs to hatch. What?? I asked my co-worker what her aunt would think when she brought home a couple of purebred silkies from the eggs and she said her aunt wouldn't believe they were really from the eggs she gave me to hatch. My co-worker, luckily, believes me and thinks her aunt is too "clever for her own good" and doesn't know what she's talking about. Fast forward 21 days and I delivered two adorable purebred silkie chicks, solid white like their mother, to my co-worker. Her aunt is disgruntled but seems to have changed her tune, and my co-worker's chicks are now 4 months old and beloved by her and her kids, lol.

And if I hear one more time that chickens regulate heat through their combs, I'm gonna puke. If that is completely true, what about my game rooster whose comb is non-existent due to fighting through a fence at his previous owner's? He must always be over-heating, LOL
I was trying to explain to my mom how all eggs are not fertilized and why you don't see a baby chick in fresh, fertilized eggs and she then asks me "Well isn't that yellow stuff (the yolk) a baby chick?".
I hear stuff like that a lot
Me: you can still eat fertilized eggs, y'know. It's no difference. The chick won't hatch unless you incubate it. Them: Ewwww it's still like eating a baby chick! That's disgusting!
My son's girlfriend stated that you can tell the color egg your chicken will lay by the color of thier legs.
"If they have grey legs the eggs will be grey if they have brown legs their eggs will be brown, if they have yellow legs the eggs will be yellow pink legs they lay pink eggs"

I didnt bother to correct her.

If thats the case my Sumatras (with black legs) are falling down on the job they lay white eggs. Where are my black eggs dang it?
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LOL.... These are great!

Somebody once told me that fertilized eggs taste sweeter than non-fertilized eggs! LOL I was like I know that I get both kinds and there is ABSOLUTLEY NO DIFFERENCE! LOL
When my mom was little someone had convinced her that "If you sprinkle salt on a chicken it will let you pick it up." I wish i could have seen my mom chasing the chickens around with a salt shaker!

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