What are you canning now?

To a degree yes, it's different! Hard to describe.

It stinks when you cook it, but the jelly reminds me of jolly rancher candies! It's GOOD!

Check out what hubby brought in from the garden for me to make jelly and juice out of? 15lbs of grapes!!!

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I'm still around but there isn't much going on in the canning business. I made quite the mess doing the jams and no energy for more until the black berries are ripe. I have seen a recipe for Cantalope but not sure I'll do it. It doesn't mention a water bath and I wonder if it would ruin the jam.

I did see one for wild grape jelly though.
We've been canning so much around here that our water bath canner sprang a small leak.
Had hubby take it and add a small screw but that didn't work either.
Now we must go and buy a new one.

Today, using our pressure canner, we will be working on the 6 1/2 (5 gallon buckets) of red potatoes.
this will be the end of our canning except for maybe some more salsa fromt he tomatoes.

Here's hoping you all have a wonderful canning day
My mom's neighbor's hubby left her a month ago. He was a HUGE organic gardener, and she doesnt want anything to do with his garden, so she told my mom and stepdad they could have the garden and produce. This means I will get to take extra tomatoes, sweet corn, etc which is a godsend due to my bad luck with my tomatoes this year.
Lets see.... this weekend's haul:
Saturday morning... Pickled onions 3 half pints, 6 pints, 2 quarts and ran out of half pint and pint jars so made a trip to Richmond to see mom and borrowed a few more
While at mom's, helped her do up another 10 pints tomato sauce, for which I got tons of jars and a bunch of fresh veggies for the fridge (green tomatoes, zucchini, peppers.....)
Sunday afternoon.... 8 pints of frog balls (half of which are for my mom, she LOVES them), 8 pints and 1 half pint of pickled green tomatoes, and 4 half pints hamburger dill slices

Waiting on the peanuts to happen this year now that I'm back where they know what boiled peanuts are, I AM PREPARED!!!! Now have 5 dozen quart jars ready to go and can borrow my mom's pressure canner if I need to have 2 gong at once. She even has another 10 dozen quart jars if needed.

Today I'm contemplating pepper vinegar. Mom is growing tabasco chilies so she can make a new batch of her 'texas pete' vinegar. I think I'm going to make something similar for hubby with the habaneros I got form her Saturday.
Ok, I got to ask..What is that.
Never heard of that before.

Pickled brussel sprouts. Someone was nice enough to post the recipe on this thread last year!!! Here's my version since I have no clue where the original is.

And FYI you can use FROZEN brussel sprouts, just dump them in the brine and let come to a boil, pack and can away.

Ok, I got to ask..What is that.
Never heard of that before.

Pickled brussel sprouts. Someone was nice enough to post the recipe on this thread last year!!! Here's my version since I have no clue where the original is.

And FYI you can use FROZEN brussel sprouts, just dump them in the brine and let come to a boil, pack and can away.


Ahhh...I love brussel sprouts...I will have to try those !!! thank for the link.

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