What are you canning now?

I bow as to a
Queen to all you ladies that get down to bare roots and can and freeze all the goodness you come across. I wish I were that ambitious still...I puttered out along time ago and do not seem able to find the pull cord to going again. Im only 56 but lost the drive I had when my kids were home.

Well now I remember how tired DW and I were when we were raising our kids, so I keep chickens, can and do other stuff to help my kids out with the grandkids.

DW is the sewer and cook. She is the only woman I know that will drive 15 minutes to give her granddaughter a "foochie" (smoochie) good night. The other night she drove over and read the queen a bedtime story. My DD is pregnant with their second and doesn't carry well.

Gramma gives the queen her bath and they both get wet.
We both let her help us if we're cooking. We don't have a lot of money, but we're the "fun" grand parents.

So what's my point? Cook for those who might need a little help. I give small 4oz jars of jelly and jam to seniors at church who surely won't eat an 8 oz jar before it goes bad. When you don't know what to give as a gift a couple of jars of your preserves is much appreciated. We also have young friends with children who can always use some jars of homemade apple sauce.

Nothing says lovin, like somethin from the oven,

I made twelve jars of blackberry jam and jelly this week. Also gave apple butter and blackberry jam to my cousins to take home.They were drooling over my pantry ... lol ... but would never think or attempt to can anything themselves.
Not canned yet but Photos from This mornings activities. My mother and I went Strawberry picking.

The yellow of this field was amazing. They grow Canola on the field in front of the strawberry field

Strawberry field where we went to pick

My mother and her Strawberries :)

My bucket only half full as mom was in a rush to get to work in time. I was pretty proud of myself for someone who is anemic and gets light headed when I bend down for long periods(Hell when Im trying to rasp my horses hooves) I did pretty good. I wanted to keep going untill it was full but Will go back next weekend for more

The price was really good for here in canada!

The lovely owner she was just too cute for words

Im sad this photo came out blurry. This is an important project for her shes started growing Haskaps which as supposedly full of antioxidents they have a slight bitter flavor to them. If anyone had recipes It would be welcome. i bought a container to try out

Now going to take a nap as I only slept three hours in order to make this trip lol(I work late night shifts) and then going to prep all my strawberries so I can freeze what I dont can immediately for later canning
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strawberry time is over here, but even then it was cheaper to buy them than pick. By the time I paid for the gas to get to where I'd pick them I would have paid the same amount just to buy them already picked.
So scrumptious looking and very kind of you to share! My girls just LOVE strawberry tops!
Mine love them too :D. All my berries are in the freezer now and Im looking at what I need to make a few batches. Mainly I think im going to need a lot of sugar. I want to make slightly low sugar ones as I like to be able to taste the fruit not just the sugar.
I wonder if there is a recipe for strawberry butter? You know, like apple butter, pumpkin butter, pear butter, stuff like that. It takes a lot less sugar but takes longer to cook as the juices evaporate out.
I found a recipe! http://www.fromcalculustocupcakes.com/slow-cooker-strawberry-butter/

Do you think if lemon juice was added it could be canned in a hot water bath?

this one is much better but is a HUGE recipe. Id rather make something in a smaller batch to make sure that I like it first and would need a strawberry syrup recipe for the juice
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