What are you canning now?

Jomo - that sounds really good.

It's raining here again and I'm not sure strawberries are done yet. I've started a new part time job and not having worked in some time am out of shape for it. I do like it though. Just very tired and with this rain can't get things done outside. The garden is not even all in and it's near July 1st.

Chickens ( you remember this is a chicken site) are hatching chicks or sitting on eggs. That means working to make sure they survive. This rain is not helping.

I have been freezing fruit for future canning.

Miles to go before I sleep,

Picked strawberries and made jam with my grandmother yesterday. She's 85 and can't work in the garden anymore. Most of my love for gardening and canning comes from being around her and my grandfather while growing up. She can still hull berries like a champ, though. I dragged the berries and all the jars and canning stuff to her place and we did it there.
Picked strawberries and made jam with my grandmother yesterday. She's 85 and can't work in the garden anymore. Most of my love for gardening and canning comes from being around her and my grandfather while growing up. She can still hull berries like a champ, though. I dragged the berries and all the jars and canning stuff to her place and we did it there.

That sounds amazing!! Wish I had that experience with my grandmother!

Where in NY are you?
Pickled radishes from the farmers market...I paid too much for them but they were beautiful and I couldnt help it :p

Recipe?????  those look good!!


Ok going from memory

Enough sliced radishes for 4 sterile pint jars packed.

Slow boil
1 cup ACV
1 cup water
8 tsp kosher salt
2 tbs sugar
2 tbsp colored peppercorns
2 tbs mustard seed
1/4 whole corriander

When jars are sterile and before adding radishes...slive a clove ofngarlic in each pint jar...add radishes and pack them in...then add hot mixture leave 1/4 inch head space.water bath 15 minutes..wait 2 weeks to try!!!
16 pints of pickled beets this past Saturday and haven't even put a dent in the beets in the garden.
I'm afraid with all the rain, they may begin to split!

Same with the carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. Can we please have a little sunshine?
Should not complain, God knows best!

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