What are you canning now?

Told my husband about the outdoor stove, and he said sure, but then when he asked where I would put it I told him inside a sugar shack, that way it was more of a multi purpose building. Put the Maple syrup stuff, canning stove and chicken plucking equipment. That's a 3/1 shed, I thought he would be thrilled that I figured out a way to store everything in one building; yeah, not so much. But he agreed to possibly building me one when we get the house, so that is one step forward.
Here is the link to her blog:

I would LOVE to have a processing kitchen. A place for all of the BIG things. The carboys, the canners, -the empty jars- hey, the full jars!

Houses used to come with cellars and attic's. Florida is too close to sea level to have any sort of cellar, but us self sufficient types need storage!

If I had a shed just for canning, storing, refrigeration of the garden and orchard produce...
For Processing and to brine chicken...
wow. I'd be really tired. But I would not always be frustrated because I can't find what I need because I stored it somewhere out of the way.
So maybe I would get more done with less effort.

I feel a campaign forming.
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I am scared to death of unfinished attics and spiders, and hubby doesn't really want a basement, he wants a crawl space. That's why I figured the shed would be an option. If I could get a dry walled attic I would definitely use it instead. I already have problems having my canning stuff split across town between 2 houses. Guess I can add that to my house wish list, or try to find a large attic space, and finish it our self.
Attics can get pretty hot. I has some stuff stored in the attic of our garage and all the candles melted into the Christmas towels. It was a huge mess.
One misconception here is she stated that you can't pressure can on a flat top stove - I've been doing it for years with no problems, and know many others who can on there flat top stoves. I love the idea of having an outside canning center, though!
I also have a flat top (glass top) but I find I have to sit there and monkey around with the heat a lot because the base of the pressure canner does not cover all of the burner, so either I use one way too small, or way too big, and the stove's thermostat keep turning the burner off.
I think I just like the idea of gas and keeping the heat outside. The largeness of out doors -space. -but there will still be a dog that decides to park itself behind me so when I turn I trip over it.
With the last of my kumquats, I made a killer Kumquat-Habanero Marmalade. Used the recipe here: http://localkitchenblog.com/2014/02/11/kumquat-habanero-marmalade/ I had about a pound of kumquats, and made 5 half-pints. Then a friend tasted it, and gave me huge bag of kumquats from her neighbor's tree! Some of those were bad, but I still had a lot of good ones. Made about 30 half-pints. This is a really tasty marmalade, with just a touch of heat from the habaneros.
Picked a bunch of Marion Berries last year from my garden freezing them as I went as I was busy with caring for my mother in law... Long story short, finally took them out and made two batches of freezer jam and then deiced to make syrup with what I had left, got 8 pints of yummy Marion berry syrup... My house smells sooo good!!!

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