What are you canning now?

Quote: Wow does that sound like my kitchen at canning time. I do have a gas stove, but I can only fit 1 canner on at a time. I too have to keep my jars in the dishwasher right up to the time I need them. I have very little countertop & no island so when I'm canning I have to put a card table up for extra space. This summer while making the pickling solution for a type of pickle that takes 2 weeks to make. I had one of the table legs collasp as I was pulling it across the kitchen. 1 container of chuck pickles & 8 cups of sweetened pickling solution hit the floor. It was a horrible sticky mess, the worst part was all the spices that make up pickling spice spread all over. Of course I was in the middle of canning something else so I threw towels at the mess & a hour later had to try to clean it up, uggh

Oh No! I had a shelf go out in the canning pantry, crash into the shelf below it, the doors came open and the jars crashed onto all the brineing pickles and citrus extracts I was making below. We stood in the kitchen waiting for the last 'tinkle' before we opened the door. It was like a giant threw up in there.
The worst part was losing all of my wide mouth jars.
We need a canning nightmare thread, but then no one would want to do it.
The good thing was the lemon and orange extracts I was making neutralized the smell.
Doing salsa with a teething 10 month old and a "helping" 3 year old, in a tiny kitchen corner, I never thought I would say this, but I kinda miss my old apartment, it had a real kitchen. I had the greatest idea after I had tomato guts all over my counter from last time. Instead of putting the cutting board on the counter, put it in a sink bucket!!!! I feel so smart, the angle lets the juices run off and the bucket keeps the mess contained, no more splashing hands in the red puddle.:celebrate Picked up 3 rectangle sink buckets last year for the pears since we had so many, paired with my smallest cutting board and I am in heaven. And since the 10 month old has decided to velcro himself to my sweatpants and quickly pulls them off, they are now in a puddle on the floor and hes playing in them. So 2 smart ideas today for my house, time for more Peppermint Mocha coffee for me as we start naptime fights.


We grow, dry / smoke, and grind all kinds of peppers

I have wished that so many times. and gas burners. My pots are so big that I can not fit two on the stove. I have to use a deep pasta pot for the hot water for the canning jars, then a six quart pot for the rolling boils...and I just keep the sterile jars hot in the dishwasher because there is no room for them on the stove.

Wow does that sound like my kitchen at canning time. I do have a gas stove, but I can only fit 1 canner on at a time. I too have to keep my jars in the dishwasher right up to the time I need them. I have very little countertop

Oh No! I had a shelf go out in the canning pantry, crash into the shelf below it, the doors came open and the jars crashed onto all the brineing pickles and citrus extracts I was making below. We stood in the kitchen waiting for the last 'tinkle' before we opened the door. It was like a giant threw up in there. 
The worst part was losing all of my wide mouth jars.
We need a canning nightmare thread, but then no one would want to do it.
The good thing was the lemon and orange extracts I was making neutralized the smell. 
Oh no that would be worse. I at least didn't lose any jars.
What kind of store do you have?
I make and sell handcrafted artisanal soaps and balms. I use organically grown ingredients (only those produced to the stringent EU Bio-standard) and non-GMO essential oils to make various kinds of shampoo and body bars. I also use locally sourced honey and beeswax to make an all-purpose lip/cuticle/beard/callous balm. I sell everything I make on Etsy, mostly because if I kept the recipes I try out only for myself I would run completely out of room in my house! It's a hobby, I just sell off the excess.
What kind of store do you have?

I make and sell handcrafted artisanal soaps and balms. I use organically grown ingredients (only those produced to the stringent EU Bio-standard) and non-GMO essential oils to make various kinds of shampoo and body bars. I also use locally sourced honey and beeswax to make an all-purpose lip/cuticle/beard/callous balm. I sell everything I make on Etsy, mostly because if I kept the recipes I try out only for myself I would run completely out of room in my house! It's a hobby, I just sell off the excess.
That sounds great, can you share your etsy store link? I love handcrafted soaps, I suffer with many allergies so the fewer ingredients the better

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