What are you canning now?

Here's the fruits of my labor so far this year...

Not done, and I know many more do so much more, but I'm only 4 or so years into this, the last 1 super seriously....my garden just isn't big enough yet

BTW, my shelving I ebayed. It's library shelving. Got 4 times that much for $90. I posted an add on Craiglist and in less than a week have picked up over 300 canning jars for just at $50. I have jars all over the place. So now I have to clean this side of the garage...it's where my husbands car goes in the winter..........
Just trying to pass on some helpful info. Post an add on Craigslist, you just may get some jars!! BTW, don't laugh at my Mrs. Buttersworth in the mix--you gotta have that!!

You are a canner after my own heart. I LOVE the color and Mosaic of food and this is right up there. I always say it's all about the presentation. You have nailed it.

I want to be you too when I grow up.
so many wonderful canners and inspiration on this site WOW! I just thought everyone here talked chickens but so much more - what an education.

Thanks for sharing

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vfem - Your pic. is Beautiful... I ♥ hot pepper jelly, I've only made 3 pint jars of it this year

chicks4kids -
Thats is amazing looking! Lots of goodies right there
Gosh I need a shelves like that... BEAUTIFUL!
just beautiful! Is all that down by waterbath or both?

I do both. Jellies and fruits are basically by water bath, but veggies, pasta sauce, meat, and soups are done by pressure cooking.
WOW, that is impressive. I love your set up. We did utilize some space under the stairwell but still not enough room for all of my jars. I cant compete with DH for space as he has most of the shelves filled with hunting and fishing stuff. So,,,,,,,my filled jars go back into the boxes, labled then shoved under a table.

Last night 4 qts of psegetti sauce
9 pts of beef stew

Getting ready here soon to do 7 qts of beef stock.
Then I got more tomatoes to work with, maybe tomato sauce.
Can you post the Apple Jalapeno Jam recipe please? I am overrun with jalapenos this year...that's the only thing the deer left alone!
Last week, I had somone come over to learn how to can. Organic peaches were on sale $1.48/lb, so I bought a case & I taught her how with those. This week, organic peaches were on sale for $1 a pound!!! So I got TWO cases & have a gal coming in from a couple hours away to learn how to can. We're going to do sliced peaches, peach lemonade concentrate & I think pureed peaches.

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