What are you canning now?

Apple-Jalapeno Jam

4 cups of pealed, cored, and diced apples
1 cup of seeded, chopped jalapenos
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 box of dry pectin (I actually used less than a whole box, because my apples seem to have a lot of natural pectin)
5 cups of sugar

1. Cook apples, jalapenos, vinegar until soft.
For smoother jam (otherwise skip this step): place in blender puree and return to pot
2. Stir in pectin, boil for a min (that can't be stirred down)
3. Add all the sugar at once
4. boil for a min (that can't be stirred down)
5. skim foam and ladle in jars
6. Water bath process 10 min

Makes 6 half pints
Serve with cream cheese and crackers, bagels etc...
chicken stalker I'm going to make that recipe. Have apples in the orchard that will work perfectly.

I made 22 1/2 pints of Jalapeno Apricot yesterday! The are so pretty I just had to take a picture.


Every time I think I am so tired of canning to even think of canning one more thing, I see a picture like this and feel re-inspired! I haven't ever canned pears. This year I tried Raspberry/Nectarine Jam and it is yummy! I only have a few more jars of it left, so I guess I'd better run and get more nectarines before the season is over!

(Yawn!......only I need a good nap first!)
I'm REALLY mad at myself this morning... after all the hard work I did yesterday making homemade pasta sauce, I have to throw it out because I was letting it cool and forgot to put it in the fridge before going to bed, so it sat out ALL NIGHT!
Thanks... I'm trying not to think about it too much, lol just so frustrating, put all that work into it then have to pitch it. Guess I need to go see if theres more tomatoes down in the garden and just make more
Jen, sorry about that. It is frustrating - I've done similar things.
I've fallen asleep thinking I'd sit and watch tv while things cooled, then I get up and walk right past the pot and go to bed.
What I've started doing is setting a timer or alarm.

The big anniversary party is over and now I need to step up the canning. I do have my DGS here the next three days so I don't know how much I'll get done.
Today - probably nothing as the cows have decided to misbehave.

Grapes, tomatoes and assorted peppers are on deck.
I still need to get apples, too.

Hope all your canning kitchens are productive today.

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