What are you doing today?

Making myself rest. My Fri/Sat/Sun 12 hour shifts turned into 14 hours each, I am exhausted. Have to do it again tomorrow, its amazing how old and sore I feel, nursing is really young-people-sport. I really should make myself nap before the kids get home, too.

But already there's a list of errands cropping up in my head....
Today I have classes. Just finished my two morning classes and now I'm waiting around for my afternoon research session. Those really aren't too bad though. We are working with bacterial DNA and I think it is very interesting!

Later tonight I have to update Windows 7 on my computer. I have the trial version and my computer keeps telling me the world will end (meaning the trial version will expire) in 7 days. THen I will probably veg out on the couch and watch a movie and try to finish some work for Wednesday. Tomorrow I get to sleep in, but I have a work meeting in the afternoon and at some point I have to renew my driver's license. Then I have to teach a class called Alcohol 101. Sooo much fun

I wish I was waiting for a tractor, or palying with my animals! LOL
Took the kids to school.Stopped at the library and 3 different stores for a few items.Tended to the animals.Cooked lunch and waiting for dh to get back from the doctors.Ordering pc games from the library,watching 48 hours tv show,and waiting to go get the kids.It is raining and I am hoping the crawl space does not flood so much that I have to go under the house and get the pump going.Washed dishes and cloths and vaccumed. I told dh I want a day off.
Enjoying the last day of my vacation! Hubby and I went out to breakfast, then we made a pit stop at TSC. (Chicks may be in next week according to the cashier, rabbits tomorrow) I came home and checked on the chickens and found FIVE eggs!

I'm going to throw in a few loads of laundry, and make nachos for dinner. Have to pick up one kid after practice at 5, the middle one at 5:45, and the youngest one at 7:30. Then home to lie in bed and watch The Walton's on DVD and go to sleep.

It will be a fine day!
the next day of course after this thread was started.
i have woke up too early! went to walmart , was there at 9am
with my 2 kids,, who really wanted dunkin donuts (donuts)
i was going there for a vaccum cleaner and some dog food!! came home, put my son on the bus, took a nap with the daughter,, awoke to noisy hens outside , let them out of their run to free range... and now just sitting to eat some pasta and meatballs (homemade yum)
and checking byc forum stuff.
that'll do it, for now.
Hey, I'd help ya paint if I was closer! I love painting! There's nothing better than a newly painted room!

The weather outside is actually fairly nice. If I wasn't so committed to doing nothing today I might consider ging outside for a walk!

Well its done... Boy..it'll take some getting used too...its a darker green... *sigh* ooh well...

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