Thank you, I have been setting alarm for every 3 hours to try to feed her. I did more reading last night and added water and molasses to the regeem. I went to the feed store and saw no nutri-drench ( I will call the other feed stores in town to see if they have it ) the girl I talked to said the only thing they had for chicks was the vitamins I bought she was a pretty hard core rancher tho didn't seem to interested in helping her live. I did manage to get the dropper and some raw egg into her. All she does is sleep she barely wakes up when I try to feed her. She has started to open her eyes while I feed her now that I have been giving her the molasses, it is almost like she is gagging when I get fluid in her mouth I put a drop in and get kind of gags it down, then after a few or more drops she has a large gag shakes her head and a bunch of the fluid shakes out. I put her beak into softened chick feed this morning 0 interest she closed her eyes and sat there she does not stand. I kind of wish she would just pass it is so hard to watch her in pain and I can't enjoy the others because I am so worried. These are my first chicks I have been studying for 6 months I know they don't make it sometimes but wish something would happen not just this prolonged nothing...

I named her Teenni I figured she needed a name if she was gonna pass, the others have names too but I want to see the personalities before I send them out.
Now she has added a constant quick head shake, I read something about a blocked or full crop. I cannot get her to eat anything solid not one piece of grit in her gut. She does seem more awake today and will stand for small periods of time I put her back into brooder and she runs straight for the warmer then doesn't come out.
Now she has added a constant quick head shake, I read something about a blocked or full crop. I cannot get her to eat anything solid not one piece of grit in her gut. She does seem more awake today and will stand for small periods of time I put her back into brooder and she runs straight for the warmer then doesn't come out.

I am sorry you are having such a hard time with her. I have been so lucky with mine. I hope she gets better.
Now she has added a constant quick head shake, I read something about a blocked or full crop.  I cannot get her to eat anything solid not one piece of grit in her gut.  She does seem more awake today and will stand for small periods of time I put her back into brooder and she runs straight for the warmer then doesn't come out. :idunno

You said grit? I'm sure you are, but are you feeding starter feed only? At this age they really don't need grit and treats....just starter feed which has grit in it.
OMG I came home from grocery store and she out with the rest of them walking around. She is not scared of my hand because she has spent so much time in them so I started to tap the Chick Grit and the starter food and she ate some!!!! So i showed her the garlic water and she had a bit!!!!! I am so happy my hard work might be paying off, I also carried her in a scarf all morning so maybe that helped too. Teeni is a fighter she is a bantam EE and she is by far the smallest of the other bantams. Here she is
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You said grit? I'm sure you are, but are you feeding starter feed only? At this age they really don't need grit and treats....just starter feed which has grit in it.

I agree. I never give my new chicks anything but starter food and water. I know that in nature they are exposed to other things.
OMG I came home from grocery store and she out with the rest of them walking around. She is not scared of my hand because she has spent so much time in them so I started to tap the Chick Grit and the starter food and she ate some!!!! So i showed her the garlic and she ate a bit of that!!!!!

What is the Garlic for? Aren't they too young to be eating anything but starter food? I don't even give them grit until they are about 6 weeks, and that is only if I give them a "Treat" of something other than the starter food. which is rare for me.
I have read so many things that it is hard to know what the right thing to do, everyone you talk to says do this do that.

It was not grit it was a clump of grass ( need to word better ) with a bit of dirt still attached I read that was good I hope more people think yes so I didn't hurt my birds. Garlic was in the water but now I just have the chick vitamins in the water and only baby chick feed everything else is out. She is still walking around being part of the flock so far but I have also read that they will make a comeback and then go down. So I will hope for the comeback and not the down. I work all day tomorrow so will find out in the afternoon. I hope after 3 to 4 days each alive everyone will be good for their first day alone. I did however give her molasses water (read here) and raw egg in a dropper (read here) and pedialight and carried her in a scarf in my shirt (read here).

SO hopefully most of my choices were good ones. I do know I cared for her with love and diligence when a few told me let nature take it's corse I know nature has its corse but when you have a living thing in your care it is hard to not try everything to make it easier and better.

That is what I did and I hope she is still here tomorrow.
I have read so many things that it is hard to know what the right thing to do, everyone you talk to says do this do that.

It was not grit it was a clump of grass ( need to word better ) with a bit of dirt still attached I read that was good I hope more people think yes so I didn't hurt my birds. Garlic was in the water but now I just have the chick vitamins in the water and only baby chick feed everything else is out. She is still walking around being part of the flock so far but I have also read th

each alive everyone will be good for their first day alone. I did however give her molasses water (read here) and raw egg in a dropper (read here) and pedialight and carried her in a scarf in my shirt (read here).

SO hopefully most of my choices were good ones. I do know I cared for her with love and diligence when a few told me let nature take it's corse I know nature has its corse but when you have a living thing in your care it is hard to not try everything to make it easier and better.

That is what I did and I hope she is still here tomorrow.

I am sure they are fine. I was just curious about the garlic. Some "Old Timer" on this sight have home remedies that really do work. And I was curious as to what the Garlic does. I am sure that the chicks are eating everything they can when they are raised naturally by their mother. So I am with you. I don't know why some people get so uptight about feeding them natural things. I love my babies too, and would be devastated if my little ones got sick. I understand completely and admire you for your loyalty to your baby. Please keep me updated and send more pictures if you can ....I love pictures. Here are my newest babies

This is Latte, she is a Cream Legbar

This is Caramel, she is also a Cream Legbar

And this is Cocoa, she is a Blue Favaucana


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