What are your breeding plans for next year?

I will probably be selling (local) some old hens. Aerial can go, along with amythest. in a few years from now, I might do some sapphire gem/silkie mixes. I would also like to get some babies from Odile. I have a broody hen right now, and she has a good schedule (turns into a feathery, squawking pancake about twice a year (once in early spring, once now)) so I might be able to not have to intergrate flocks! plus she wouldn't be broody for 5+ weeks, only 28ish days!
My Silkies are starting to become known in my area, so thankfully I can sell chicks easily.
Though I do want to improve on the birds I have so I just imported some fresh bloodlines from a show breeder. Hoping to work with more colors.
Actually hoping for a good rooster out of these eggs! I’ve never said that before!🤣
I am working on breeding black and white d’Anvers and maybe add black bantam Ameraucanas as well! I have some bantam mottled EEs so I may try creating mottled d’Anvers and bantam Ams as well, but that won’t be anything serious next year. Just want to get some quality birds first!

I am hopefully getting some white d’Anver hatching eggs shipped out Monday from a breeder and I’m looking forward to hatching some babies hopefully! 😍
Going to keep working on my weird snowflake chickens and see where it takes me. F2 mottled Houdan × Opal Legbar crosses. I kind of love this almost buttercup crown that's appearing fairly consistently.

Not sure what the goal is anymore. At some point I was thinking cuckoo or barred+mottled Houdans, or maybe 55 Flowery legbars... but maybe I'll just let them be their own thing. I never have time on weekends to show anyway... why worry about following someone else's plans. These being me not and if they begin and end here, that's fine too. There's so many recessive genes in this combo that every hatch day is like Christmas.

Besides this, I'm focusing on my white Legbars as an autosexing uber-chicken with dual purpose utility. Nobody said legbars can't be a meat bird, too.

My purebred Houdans, cream and opal legbars, and brown leghorns have all dropped in priority but I am planning on hatching from trios of each just as maintenance measures in case I change my mind later.


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I want to improve my cayuga type, focusing on the head, neck and size. For my buff I am focusing on size and the color, I am looking for more of a darker buff color. With my Saxony I want to focus on size and the head, some have a smaller head then I would like, also want to focus on the bleeding of claret onto the breast as that is something that I do not want. The silver appleyard I want to improve the size and continue to cull out any hooded offspring. The Dutch Hookbill i am focusing on a more full head and bill curve
If I can get a new pen built I'm gonna start working on some sizzles. I think I'm gonna breed a frizzle cochin bantam to a few silkie hens. The frizzled F1 of these already look cool, but to get sizzle feathers I'm gonna breed the frizzled hens of these to a pure silkied rooster. Then I should get all four of the "good" feather types (Regular, frizzle, silkie, and sizzle)
I think I will start with recessive white to keep things simple, but I will work on more colors and maybe even showgirl sizzles.

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