What are your rooster's names?

Duke is a blue cochin bantam --used to be Daisy then progressed to Duke (Daisy Duke--you get it?)...Kids call him Duka Chooka.
Roger is a New Hampshire -- used to be Telulah. Goes by his nicknames mostly "Big Rog" or "Big Tootsie" --I think because of his big toes.
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I have 4 rooster

FBCM named Cooper
Japanese Bantam named Casstiel
Japanese Bantam named Drake
Japanese Bantam named Chase
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We have 1 Barred Rock Rooster that is awesome!! When we first got him, he was supposed to be a she so we named her Betty White but when Betty started crowing, we quickly switched it to Ron .....


We have 1 Barred Rock Rooster that is awesome!! When we first got him, he was supposed to be a she so we named her Betty White but when Betty started crowing, we quickly switched it to Ron .....



Jerry Lee(as in Lewis). He is a Buff Orp /Araucana mix.This photo is the day I picked him up. He was about 8 months old here.Took a while to come up with his name but after a 30 day quarantine I put him in with 16 hens, his less than gentle style with the ladies he earned his name. Really not his fault as he came from a place where he was #3 on the totem pole to bigger older roosters. Not to say he went without where he was but died and went to heaven when he came here. He has gotten better with the ladies these days, instead of chasing the all over creation he is much more patient.
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