What are your rooster's names?

Willow's Meadow

9 Years
Apr 16, 2010
This is my Japanese Kabo, my first and only rooster. He came with a Kabo/buff orpinton mutt that is very small. He protects her from the other hens picking on her and we started calling her his girlfriend, which became Dr. Girlfriend (if you stay up late on Sunday night and watch Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network, you know where that came from. Go Team Venture!!!). Since she was Dr. Girlfriend, he became The Monarch.

We have 2 roosters. The Buckeye we call Little Jerry (from Seinfeld episode where Kramer gets a rooster). So of course, the second rooster is named George (Silver laced Wyandotte). In sticking with the theme, he also have a GL Wyandotte who is very round with short legs so she sorta waddles, and even though she is a hen, I call her Newman.
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Malcom......Black and white something

My boys named him that because he's "Malcom in the middle" of all his hens.....

If you don't get it Malcom in the middle is a funny TV show for kids......and parents too!

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