What are your rooster's names?

The roos I have now are:
Victor a white and black OEGB
Dandy a blue splash Silkie
I am getting a bantam barred cochin roo from chicken_china_mom and I am going to call him Jimmy.
Mr. Bojangles - named after the song

My two mille fleur d'uccles are Ralph, and Little Jerry, and my Buckeye's name is Chuck. Ralph and Lil Jerry are 10 weeks old. Ralph is quite the people chicken, and loves to be held. Jerry isn't really afraid of you, but doesn't really want to be held. Chuck is 3 weeks old, and is getting used to being handled. He seems like he's going to be a good boy. Jerry might be going to live somewhere else soon, but Ralph, and Chuck will definitely stay.
i only have one rooster and i didnt name him, his names Dexter.

our females are:

none of which i named. ive only owned 5 chickens and let my bf, his mom, his stepsister and his stepdad each name one and i name one, i named her


but she died 5/28/10. unfortunately it was i who found her dead body, i cried like a baby....
Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown....

Well he was brown when he was named. LOL! He is a very nice rooster. Very friendly.


He is also a sweetheart.


Here they are together. They get along well.
First one was the late great Hawkeye, a Barred Rock.
I own two of his sons, Zane and Dutch.
Blue Orpington, Suede
Delaware, Isaac
Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, Levi

Used to have a black Ameraucana named Scout and a Delaware named Jake.

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