What bacterial infections or just general infections cause head shaking and pain in ducks?


Aug 29, 2022
The vet said she had an infection but haven’t yet specified which, so I’m conducting my own list of possibilities to support her while I wait for the email.

My duck is one years old and she’s a female. Her main meals are duck feeds, Manna Pro Pellets. She usually has tomatoes and eggs as snacks as well as corn as her second main meal. We supplement her with calcium and vitamin A since she lacks sunlight. We’re buying a lamp for her soon. The vet recommended we do this, so we’ve been doing our best to support her with whatever we can.

She usually seems fine, but she isn’t very energetic. We assume it’s because she’s either sometimes lazy, bored, or feeling unwell.
She eats a lot and she drinks properly. She poops fine too.
The vet said she had an infection but haven’t yet specified which, so I’m conducting my own list of possibilities to support her while I wait for the email.

My duck is one years old and she’s a female. Her main meals are duck feeds, Manna Pro Pellets. She usually has tomatoes and eggs as snacks as well as corn as her second main meal. We supplement her with calcium and vitamin A since she lacks sunlight. We’re buying a lamp for her soon. The vet recommended we do this, so we’ve been doing our best to support her with whatever we can.

She usually seems fine, but she isn’t very energetic. We assume it’s because she’s either sometimes lazy, bored, or feeling unwell.
She eats a lot and she drinks properly. She poops fine too.
Poor girl!

Why does she lack sunlight?
Make sure she has niacin, and you might place her by a window, too.

Any infection might make her act off. When was the last time she laid an egg? Have you checked her ears? Does she have a fever?
Yes. We bought a fluorescent light so we try to help her get vitamin D through it.

That’s true.
She laid an egg just yesterday. Thankfully, she’s been laying more often lately. Almost regularly.
Her ears are fine and she doesn’t have a fever. When she’s hot, we open the windows a bit more.

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