What bait to use for fox trapping

crude painting of what the trap looks like+where it is=
Try using raw liver or chicken gizzards, that's what works best for me when I have to trap something that messes with my ducks, good luck
A fox in my area killed 5 turkeys and injured one, now i want to trap him and shoot him, got the trap, got the gun, but what bait? tried using a dead turkey from the foxes latest heist+ some cat food around and in the trap, but it didn't work, so what bait?

If need humane bait for trapping fox, there are baits and lures you can buy at a trapping supply store near you specifically for fox or coyote. My brother used this trapping method successfully for fox.
THE best bait we've used is, don't laugh, deli turkey meat. It doesn't take very much at all and makes a grand stink that attracts them. We snare and shoot.

I use a security camera to learn their most used path. set up a funnel shaped path along that ont day, then when they get used to that, bait it to ensure travel and add a snare.

The security camera alerts my phone to any activity and the snares have a stop on them, so they are trapped, but not strangling.

Then I go out with brass.

You have to be clever to catch the beasts. They've earned 'sly as a fox'.
never trapped a fox or even attempted to. (do to the fact that there are like none around here just a lot of coyotes)

now do live cage traps work? i know they don't for coyotes, but a fox is not a coyote.

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