What breed am I?


6 Years
May 28, 2013
I just adopted two chickens and cannot figure out what breed. Can anyone help me figure them out? The one looks like a pheasant. Her coloring is beautiful.
I just adopted two chickens and cannot figure out what breed. Can anyone help me figure them out? The one looks like a pheasant. Her coloring is beautiful.
The one that looks like a pheasant is a Light Brown Leghorn pullet. Is the buff bird in the background the second bird that you want to know the breed on? It looks like a Buff Orpington or a Buff Orpington cross.
You have a pretty brown leghorn hen. She will lay lots of nice big white eggs, but does not look like she's laying yet. May wait until spring.

I can't see the goldish bird well enough to say. She looks to be molting? I can't tell if she has feathers on her legs or what color her legs are, we need better pics of her.
The pheasant colored bird is a pretty Light-Brown Leghorn hen. The golden/buff bird in the back could be a Buff Orpington, Buff Rock, or some sort of mix. I can't see it well enough to know for sure.
Sorry I thought I had better picture on here. I will try and put another up of her.I thought Red could be a Rhode island red but wasnt sure. Can the buffs be red?I took these ladies in found out that the red one was kept in a pen with 2 large males. Shes very skinny and most of her feathers have been pulled out and she has scaly leg very bad. They are both on quarantine right now and being treated and fattened up. Thank you guys for helping me out. I have black sex links and a silkie right now So I want to get breed Iinfo for size and temperaments. The leghorn is very lovey one minute and skitterish the next. Red is very nice but a little rough with the leghorn. So thank you for helping me help them out.
I agree the pheasant looking one is a pretty Brown Leghorn pullet.

The 2nd bird doesn't look like a Buff anything to me...according to my monitor colors she is too red. My Buffs are very golden blond...sometimes a little bit of reddish tinge but never what you'd call auburn like yours.

You can see a photo of what I mean. I've got RIR's in the background with Buff Orps in the foreground:

Your Red bird looks to me to be a Red or Gold Sexlink. It is hard to tell as she is molting but it doesn't appear she has any black on her tail. If she did normally, then she might be a New Hampshire (hatchery quality)...if she normally has that white on her tail then she will be a Red/Gold Sexlink. That is a hybrid between a red based roo (often a RIR) and a white based hen (often a White Rock) but sometimes a Buff Orpington or Rock is used which produces more of a honey red. Either way they are prolific layers and generally very sweet birds.

Congratulations on your nice layers...although the one is molting now and the other isn't at point of lay so you probably won't get any eggs for awhile. Feed them good layer feed for the calcium and some extra protein (like cat food) and Black Oil Sunflower Seeds (BOSS) to help support them through the cold and molting.

Lady of McCamley
I'm also thinking red sex link for the second bird. I think she's either molting or had too much lovin and that's why her feathers look weird. It will be good to see a pic of her when she's healthy again!

Leghorns are known for being more flighty than your average dual purpose breed. With the other girls you have, she'll definitely be the most active bird!

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