What breed are these hens?


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
These two hens were sold to me as 1.5 year old Welsummers this fall. I haven't seen eggs yet from them- at least I don't think I have- due to cold and lack of daylight. As I have researched more, I am starting to think they are not Welsummers. Any ideas as to what kind of hens I have here and the name of their color?



The feathers close up



That looks like a partridge color to me. They look like Barnevelders, but I didn't realize Barnevelders had so much contrast. Welsummers do have some Barnevelder in them, I think.
You're right; they could be partridge Wyandottes, too. Actually, now that I think about it, they do seem to have more of a Wyandotte body shape. Hmmm...
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I was thinking Barnvelders- simply because I saw a picture in a book of Barnvelders that looked just like mine- at least colorwise. The man who sold them to me said they laid dark eggs, which also led me down that trail. I am getting two dark eggs a day, but I am pretty sure it is my Marans that are laying those. These two mystery hens go to bed super early, so give themselves an even shorter day.

Hmmm! Interesting! It doesn't really matter what they are, I just like to know out of curiosity and these girls seem unusual. They carry themselves more upright, and seem to have a bigger, kinder eye than my other hens. Now that I have gone back to look at the pictures in the link provided, my two mystery hens really look like Barnvelders. What a nice surprise to find from some old man way back in the mountains!

I love the help from you guys!


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