What breed are you most excited to add this year?

Was hoping for some chicks this week, but Bomgaars is having a rough time getting in the chicks it ordered. So, I am hoping their Sapphire Olive Eggers will arrive next week because they check all the desirability boxes for me. If not, then I will wait longer and try for Dominiques, which I've wanted for years.

Good luck to everybody on getting all your hearts' (and coops) desires!
I've added black copper marans, Isabella leghorns, and black australorps this year.....but today I got blue partridge brahmas and blue laced red brahma and I'm most excited about them! I've been wanting brahmas and finally found chicks near me!😍
My rooster is an Isabella Leghorn! I don’t hear many people talk about the breed, so that’s exciting!
I really want to add some Wheaten Ameraucanas and Black Copper Marans to go with the Plymouth Barred Rock and Silkie cross chicks I already have!

There’s a small farm about 40 minutes away from me that sells the two breeds plus some other fun ones like Cream Crested Legbar, Silverrud Isbars, Swedish Flower, and Moasics!

I just know chicken math is going to get me :oops: :lol:
I've been watching our local Orscheln's. They've had the corrals out for a few weeks and I've been getting chick-oriented mailers, but when I go, no chicks. I happened to be driving by this morning and stopped in. I stepped in and there was no chirping. I decided to go back and look anyway. The corrals were full of chicks, but they were all sleeping. :)

I have Rhode Island Reds and Ameraucanas already and wanted to add some variety. So I got Barred Plymouth Rocks and Black Sex Links. I'm most looking forward to the BSLs.
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I’m curious on if these are the Barred Rocks and the BSL together or just the Barred Rocks?

The one looks an awful lot like mine with their matching white dots :lol:

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