What breed is my Rooster

He looks similar to my Dizzy who is an EE/Biff Orpington mix :)



thank you. your rooster looks a little bigger than mine, but they do look simular. their combs look different? mine looks shorter. i googled chicken combs and our roosters both look like they have a style of a pea comb...? what do you think?
It's a mixed comb, it doesn't conform to any set style. I'm not sure if he lost some tips to frostbite? It's hard to say with an older bird that may have a past you don't necessarily know about. From the smaller size of the wattles, though, I'm thinking he's a mix of straight and pea. Pea combed (I think all the non-straight comb) birds also have smaller wattles, sometimes almost non-existent. Your boy had kind of mid-size wattles, so that's why I'm thinking the mixed genetics.
Mr Beaks--the coloring is similar, but the body shape is quite different in the two birds. Your bird also has white skin from the Orpington side, while the OPs bird has yellow skin.

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