What breed is this rooster?

curious chickee

Mar 18, 2015
central valley, California


He is about 12 weeks old. My friend and I were discussing this rooster I raised. We were trying to figure out what breed/ breeds he might be. Breeder who sold him to me sold him as a buff Wyandotte because she thought he would get a rose comb.I know it is a rooster because I processed him at 20 weeks and he was crowing, had beautiful saddle feathers, but no comb.
Could have but at 20 weeks it was just a smooth bright red bump no definition. What age do most cockerels get their rose comb? This discussion was mostly for fun as the breeder didn't remember having any buff Wyandotte. (She hatches a lot of chicks for laying)
If those pics were at 12 weeks, I'm thinking the bird was a very slow developer or stunted in some way, cause I would have said that was a pullet. Being hormonally challenged or otherwise "off" from normal would explain why the comb didn't develop like normal. These are my Wyandotte crosses at 3-4 months old, you can see they've got plenty of comb and wattles.

If those pics were at 12 weeks, I'm thinking the bird was a very slow developer or stunted in some way, cause I would have said that was a pullet. Being hormonally challenged or otherwise "off" from normal would explain why the comb didn't develop like normal. These are my Wyandotte crosses at 3-4 months old, you can see they've got plenty of comb and wattles.
That was why I waited to process, I thought it was a Pullet up until it started crowing and then waited for saddle feathers to be so obvious I couldn't convince myself otherwise. Only reason I asked question was my friend still doesn't remember having LF buff Wyandottes, doesn't even remember the conversation when I picked up the chicks as we didn't know each other yet. she did breed buff Orpington amongst getting chicks from other people and feed stores so I was getting other opinions.
i just recently got 5 roosters from a friend. i know the breeds of four of them. but the one i like the most i don't know his breed. he has a pea comb and he it brown and white here is a head shot.

and here are the best pics i could get of the rest of him. he was distracted by chips on the cage floor.

he is young. no spurs yet. please help.
i just recently got 5 roosters from a friend. i know the breeds of four of them. but the one i like the most i don't know his breed. he has a pea comb and he it brown and white here is a head shot. and here are the best pics i could get of the rest of him. he was distracted by chips on the cage floor. he is young. no spurs yet. please help.
He's a mixed breed. For future reference the appropriate thing to do when you need a bird's breed or sex determined is make a separate topic for your questions and photos; we are happy to help but it can get confusing responding to multiple queries on the same thread.

He is about 12 weeks old. My friend and I were discussing this rooster I raised. We were trying to figure out what breed/ breeds he might be. Breeder who sold him to me sold him as a buff Wyandotte because she thought he would get a rose comb.I know it is a rooster because I processed him at 20 weeks and he was crowing, had beautiful saddle feathers, but no comb.
Could it be a buff Chantecler?

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